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A/N Mai's story. I don't own DBZ/GT.

Trunks brought Mai and Yumi into the living room of the Brief's home.

"Okay, i know this looks really bad but please ...."

Trunks was cut off by Yumi

"Who the hell are you? And how did you meet Trunks?"

"Its actually a funny story, you see my friends and i when were little, we were actually robbing them looking fir something valuable and the next thing happened we bump into each other. He made a lie that i was his girlfriend and well things happen we were together for a long while but then my friends and i decided to leave. So i left Trunks without a reason but im here now to make things right with him. I want to have a family with him because well lets face we are not getting any younger. I have no one, my family abandoned me and so did my loyal friends. I hope you can forgive me Trunks."

"Oh boo hoo cry me a river. Let's go Trunks because i dont want to hear her lame excuse of a story"

Yumi said getting off the couch walking up to Trunks and wrapping her arm around his arm. Mai stand up angrily

"Oh yeah, well then how did you meet Trunks?"

"Not that it concerns you, but we meet at the martial arts tournament since we were 8yrs old"

"Really no way. Trunks and i met when we were eight too."

"So, i was already with Trunks after i met him"

Yumi said and stopped and think

"Wait a second" Yumi look at Trunks releasing her arm from his "i left and i said i would come back, so after the whole time i left you were with her"

Yumi said angrily and continued

"But when i came back you were walking side by side with Pan"

Trunks didn't say anything, realization hit Yumi and out of anger she knock Trunks to the ground, getting on top of him. Her hands were starting to glow black aura holding tightly to Trunks shirt.

"You cheated on me when i was little and till this day ever since i return you never told me about her. Why Trunks?! Why!!"

"I didn't expect for her to come back"

"And yet you still didn't bother to say, 'hey im sorry im in a relationship right now' is that too hard"

Mai had enough and got up pushing Yumi off of Trunks

"Let him go"

But Yumi was too strong just with one hard push wasn't go to do the trick. Mai decided to go for desperate measures and took out her gun clicking it and turned it to Yumi. Yumi frize and turned to see Mai with a gun pointing to her head.

"I said let him go"

Yumi smirk and slowly got off Trunks, he saw the smirk and yelled for Mai to run but it was already too late. Yumi eyes glowed and a dark aura surrounded her and she raised up her hand and Mai was pushed up to the wall with a hard force, causing her to hit her head on the wall. As Mai slide down blood was matking the wall coming from her head.

Trunks got up and ran to Mai, touched her head and looked to see their was indeed blood in his hands, angrily Trunks lookef at Yumi

"What have you done?!"

Yumi continued to smirk and the dark aura vanishing

"She should have known better, than to threaten me. That's what she gets, trying to act so tough"

Trunks called out for his mom as went to the infirmary room, after a while of being in there, as it turns out Mai is going to be okay. Trunks went to find Yumi in the kitchen eating a sandwhich.

"Hey you want one?"

"Is that why you're here to cause me problems? Because if it is its working"

Yumi didn't bother to say anything until she swallowed her sandwich.

"She is going to use you"

"Great are you some fortune teller now?"

Angrily Yumi walk up to him got hold of Trunks jacket again and pulled him down to her level

"I am trying to protect you but you know what forget it and as for my reasons I was going to tell you but you can shove it down your throat!!"

Trunks didn't say anything because Vegeta stepped into the living room and called Yumi's name that made her froze. Yumi stood frozen and looked towards the direction of her call and saw Vegeta standing their looking annoyed.

"Come with me"



Relentlessly Yumi released her hold on Trunks and got off him, following Vegeta into the next room. Leaving Trunks and Mai together alone.

Vegeta and Yumi entered the gravity room and began a serious talk

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