No Way Out

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A/N Songfic chapter. I hope it goes okay. Plus, Vegeta tries to apologize to Yumi but will not give him the chance or will she? I don't own DBZ/GT.

Vegeta made it to Domino City. He didn't know exactly where to look but he decided to check the pier first. Yet, no sign of her anywhere. Lastly, he decided to check at the park, he flew down and saw only a few people were there.

But not to far away he recognize the back of this girl's head that was on the swing. He slowly made his way to her.

/Everywhere I turn, I hurt someone/

Vegeta wasn't exactly sure what to say. He basically kick Yumi out of the house, not knowing that she was going through a difficult time.

/But there's nothing I can say to change the things I've done/

Vegeta knows that Yumi is very hurt inside and she will try to hold it in but he knows she needs to release it. He made his way in front of her.

/I'll do anything within my power. I give everything I got but the path i seek is hidden from me now/

Yumi stopped swinging and recognize the shoes and slowly looked up and saw Vegeta. Yumi stubbornly cast her eyes down.

/I let you down/

Vegeta took notice that Yumi has been crying for the longest. Her eyes were red and puffy. Half an hour past and Yumi got annoyed and looked at Vegeta.

"What do you want?"

"I-I'm sorry, Yumi"

/You trust in me believe in me and i let you down/

Yumi's eyes began to water again, she closed her eyes turning away sobbing and crying her heart out.

Yumi got off the swing not wanting Vegeta to see her weak but took hold of her arm. Yumi turned to look at Vegeta and was stunned to see tears were also coming out of his eyes.

/Of all the things I hid from you
I cannot hide the shame
And I pray someone, something will come
to take away the pain/

Yumi put her head down and continued to sob and surprisingly Vegeta pulled her into a hug, repeating 'Im sorry' over and over. Yumi continued to cry.

"I miss her"

"I know you do"

"There's no way out of this dark place"

Yumi sobbed into Vegeta chest.

/There's no way out of this dark place
No hope, no future
I know I can't be free/

Yumi's legs felt weak and gave up holding herself up. Yumi fell to the ground on her knees along with Vegeta never breaking the hug.

The sun was setting, people left the park only leaving Yumi and Vegeta alone in the park.

/But I can't see another way
I can't face another day/

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