The Sad Truth

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A/N Mai doesn't want Trunks to leave. I don't own DBZ/GT.

Trunks went in search for Yumi, but his Father was right, there is no sign of her here in West City. Trunks decided to go back home and see if Yumi left anything behind that can may be a clue to where she went.

After looking through the drawers, under the bed, secret department on the wall but nothing. Frustrated Trunks laid on his bed looking up at the ceiling and notice a map.

A map of Domino City he remember now

"Yumi, what are you doing up there?"

Yumi was levitating up to the ceiling

"Im just placing this map of my hometown"

"Okay, why?"

"For i can feel close to home. If i ever feel homesick"

Yumi finally went back down and look up at her work and then back at Trunks smiling happily.

"There all better"

End of Flashback

Trunks got up and flew towards the ceiling and grabbed the map. He went off to find his father and explained to him that Yumi may be at Domino City.

Vegeta told Trunks to go with him but when Trunks was packing up, Mai was complaining that she didn't want him to go. Vegeta than left to Domino City without Trunks.

Mai smirk wrapping her arms around Trunks, looking into his eyes

"I want to get married, Trunks"

"Woah, wait what? But Mai you just only arrived yesterday. Im not ready yet to get married"

"Don't you love me Trunks?"

"Mai please all im saying is that im not ready to get married"

"Okay than fine. Can you loan me some money?"

Mai said sticking her hand out impatiently. Trunks just looked at Mai with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry, Mai but i dont have anything on me right now"

"What but you're the richest guy I know"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I just ......ugh nevermind"

Mai said angrily walking away but Trunks ran after her.

"No don't walk away from me. What do you mean?"

"Ugh i can't do this anymore!!"

"Do what?! What are you talking about?!"

"I just want some money!!"

"Like i said i don't have anything at the moment"

"Check in your safe"

"Mai, what's wrong with you?"

Mai let out a sigh


Mai said walking past Trunks and left the Brief's home. Leaving Trunks bewildered. Bulla poked her head out and heard the drama.

"You know i think she may be a gold digger"

"Shut up Bulla, you don't know her like i do."

"And apparently you don't know gold digger girls"

Trunks glared at his sister but she continued

"I think Yumi was the best choice for you, I don't know why you dropped your standards"

"Really how so?"

"She may have an attitude, rude, stubborn, hard headed but she tries to make everyone around her feel happy. From what i seen, i never once saw her cheated or heard she cheated on you, she never ask you for money. She makes mom and dad happy and most importantly she helps save the world."

"Do you want me to go back with Yumi?"


"I'm sorry but no. She made Mai bleed from her head, her anger is getting the best of her"

"Okay then prove me wrong? Call Mai and ask her when is she coming back"

Trunks just smirk and called Mai putting her on speaker so Bulla can listen.

"Hey Mai"

"What do you want?"

"I was just wondering when are you coming back?"

"Did you get your check?"

Trunks raised one eyebrow but answered either way


"Oh then call me back when you do"

"Is that all you really care about money?"

"That's all what you're good for"

"M-Mai how can you say that"

"You really think i wanted to be with you. Hahahaha everything i told you was a complete lie, my family never abandoned me, i ran away. As for my loyal friends, it was actually their idea. All i needed to do was get that girlfriend of yours out of the picture"

Trunks was stunned, he left Yumi for Mai and everything turned out to be a lie. Trunks didn't know how to explain how he felt at the moment.

"Good bye Mai"

Trunks hanged up the phone. Bulla looked at Trunks sadly,

"I'm sorry you have to find out this way but there is more to it. Yuki told me what happened"

Trunks took a deep breathe and looked at his sister

"What happened?"

"You know how Yumi was at the World's Tour with Yuki. Well Yumi got a call from her mom and told her it was an emergency. Yumi called it quits and went to her mom and found out she is dying. Her mom told her to go to the Brief's home stay there and give a letter to Vegeta but when Yumi came here. I guess she saw you with Mai and that's why Yumi was having an attitude. She is depressed and everything all happened on the same day."

Trunks was stunned, he knew there was a reason why Yumi came home so early. He got angry with himself and decided to go look for Yumi.

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