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"Could you believe him, the of Trunks..."

"Let it go"

"No i am not letting this go"

Angrily Vegeta threw down his weights and the floor, turning his direction to Yumi.

"For once Yumi, I am telling you this just let it go. This girl Mai has been through a lot of things. So don't go making this about you"

"Making this about me? What?! Its always about me and Trunks. Vegeta you know this!!"

"Time now has changed since you returned. Mai has fought herself through thick and thin even for an average human being"

"What are you talking about?"

"Mai doesn't have a family, she was abandoned left alone. The only two friends she had left her because they all had different life plans."

"But Trunks is with me ...."

"It doesn't matter, i saw potential in Mai and I'm willing to let her date my son"

"Are you kidding me? When Pan wanted to be with Trunks you told her to challenge me and Yuki and if she wins then she'll date him. Have Mai challenge me."

"No, like I said time has change"

"What's wrong with you?"

"Yumi!! Enough just go back to your Mother and Yuki, you still have them"

Yumi's breathing was starting to go fast, her eyes were starting to glossing​. She was trying to hide the pain inside.

"You think you know but you don't"

"I am not here to play around with your riddle games better yet just go. It was better when you weren't here"

"What do ....."

Vegeta cut her off

"You know exactly what i mean, get out. Until you learn to control yourself and know that not everything goes your way"

Yumi closed her eyes, trying to hide the tears that wanted to fall. She walked towards the exit and stopped to look at Vegeta.

"I looked up to you as a father i never had"

Yumi said finally walking out the door but left an envelope with his name on it next to his water bottle and towel. As Yumi was walking Bulla, bumped into her,

"Hey, I heard ...."

But Yumi ignored her and continued on her way, Bulla was confused. As Yumi made her way back to the living room, Trunks and Mai were there talking but Yumi ignored them. Trunks and Mai notice and Mai stepped close to Yumi

"I'm sorry this started on the wrong foot, no hard feeling right?"

Yumi grabbed her bag

"Kiss my ass"

Was the last thing Yumi said walking out the door.

Bulla came running to the living room,

"Where is she going?"

"Home i guess"

Trunks said not really caring where Yumi goes because he knows she is capable of taking care of herself. Bulla then notice their was a tension in the air and asked what happened and Mai and Trunks explained what happened. Bulla was in shock, everything was going downhill for Yumi.

Bulla looked at Trunks with pleading eyes

"Please go find her"


"Because.....she haven't told you.....nevermind i'll go find her"

Bulla said angrily walking out the door. After three hours, Bulla comes back empty handed

"Man, Yuki isn't going to be happy about this"

*Gravity Room*
Vegeta took a break and grabbed his towel wrapping it over his neck and drank some of his water. In the corner of his eye he notice an envelope with his name on it.

He opened and it says:

Dear Vegeta,

If you receive this letter, then that means Yumi was able to keep her promise. I'm writing this letter to you because well....there is no easier way for me to tell you this but I'm dying. So i ask you, if you can please keep my daughter under your wings. She looks up to you like a father. I know that Yumi is very upset because during her world tour i called her and told her the news, she came to see me, as i gave her this letter and i told her i love her giving her my last goodbye. I told her to stay with you, please take care of her. Thank you Vegeta.

                                         Love Mana

Vegeta dropped the letter in shock, Mana passed away and now Yumi has no one else. Vegeta heard the phone ringing


"Vegeta its me Yuki, i just want to check up on Yumi how is she?"

"I'll talk to you later"


Vegeta hanged up, fortunately Bulla called Yuki and told her what happened. Yuki was pissed but there was nothing she can do about it.

*Next Day*
Vegeta went off in search for Yumi, she haven't came back home at all. He couldn't even sense her energy anywhere. He knew she couldn't kill herself or else he would have that feeling in his gut.

Vegeta went to find Trunks and explained to everything that was going on with Yumi.

"I don't care, that's her problem not mine"

"Listen to me you little brat, whether you like it or not i am making a promise to her mother and i will not break it. Go and find her now."

"Y-yes sir"

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