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A/N: ages are altered in this story. Normani is the youngest.

Normani looked at herself in the mirror and pursed her lips together. Lauren was making her try on multiple outfits for this party. To be honest, she didn't even want to go. She knew Lauren was going to try to hook her up with someone. Right now, the green eyed girl was studying her in the black dress she was wearing.

"I like it," she said.

"I don't," Normani shook her head, "it's revealing."

"Mrs. Powers, it is twenty seventeen," Lauren said.

"What's your point?" the brunette lifted an eyebrow. "I'm not comfortable wearing it. Do you have anything else?"

"I have one more outfit, Normani," the Cuban said.

"Let me see it."

Lauren held up a yellow skirt and a red shirt. "The shoes are over there," she pointed to the room door.

There was a knock on the door.

"I'll get that," The raven-haired girl walked out of the room, "call me if you need anything."

The brunette sighed and began changing. Once she was done she looked at herself in the mirror. She tilted her head to the side and ran a hand through her hair. She didn't look half bad.

"Damn girl, you look good."

Normani turned around and smiled. "Thanks, Lauren."

The door was knocked on.

"People are showing up."

"Who was the first person that showed up?"

"It was me!" Camila walked into the room.

"Mila!" Normani ran over to her friend who gave her a koala hug.

"Don't worry, boo, I won't let her hook you up with a random guy," she whispered.

"Cause you're gonna try to hook me up with a girl?" Normani lifted an eyebrow.

"I met her in California. She's very pretty, very blonde–"

"Very white?" the younger girl tilted her head to the side.

"No," Camila smiled. "Very Polynesian."

"Oh?" Normani tilted her head to the side.

"Bitch, did you let anyone in?" Lauren asked.

"I care about Mani more." The Cuban-Mexican said.

The older girl walked out of the room and answered the door. Camila grabbed Normani's hand and lead her out of the room.

"There she is." Camila pointed over a person's head.

Normani tilted her head to the side as she studied the blonde's face. She was smiling and talking to someone, obviously shorter than her.

"We'll see," she said before walking off.

"Where's she going?" Lauren asked, walking over to her friend.

"Not sure," Camila said.

Normani walked into the kitchen and opened a cabinet, grabbing a wine glass. She opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of wine. She closed the refrigerator and turned around, facing someone's chest. She looked up and lifted an eyebrow.

"Hi," She said, sitting the wine glass down.


"Can I help you?" Normani asked as she opened the bottle.

"Well, your friend said I could find you here."

"Oh," the brunette nodded in understanding, "you're the very pretty, very blonde, very Polynesian girl."

The taller girl chuckled. "I guess I am," she said, "and you must be the very pretty, very talented, very mysterious girl."

"Mysterious?" Normani lifted an eyebrow as she poured the wine.

"That's what she told me. She said you don't talk about yourself very much," the very pretty, very blonde, very Polynesian girl studied the girl.

Normani turned around and leaned against the counter. "Did she tell you why?"

"I asked her to tell me more, but she wouldn't. She said we'd get to know each other."

"No," the shorter girl shook her head and grabbed the wine glass behind her, "no we won't."

She walked out of the kitchen and over to Camila.

"She's nice, but I'm not ready for a relationship."

The Cuban-Mexican turned around. "Mani, it's been three years."

"Camila, you can't rush it." Normani shook her head.

"Mani, please," the older girl pouted.

"When I'm ready," the taller girl said, "I promise."

Camila sighed. "Fine," she said, "at least talk to her."

Normani gave her a look.

"As a friend?" the shorter girl smiled.

"You're so annoying," the brunette said.

"So, it's a yes?" Camila asked.

Normani rolled her eyes. "Fine."

They talked and it went well. However, Normani still wouldn't date her. She told Dinah, they had finally exchanged names, about her husband and she completely understood. They exchanged numbers and they promised they wouldn't tell Camila that they did so.


A/N: hi. (:

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