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Lauren, Camila, and Normani walked into the house singing...horribly, might I add. Dinah looked at them and lifted an eyebrow.

"Stop singing. You're awful." Dinah said as Lauren closed the door.

"That was rude," Normani pouted, then looked around the house. "Where's my dog?"

"He fell asleep in the bathtub and I didn't have the heart to wake him up and move him," the Polynesian said.

The youngest girl smiled. "Alright," she said, "thank you for watching him."

"It's no problem," Dinah stood, "I'll see you later."

"Yeah." Normani smiled and rocked back and forth on her feet.

"I'll show you out," Lauren smiled.

"I can see the door," Dinah said.

"Let me be polite!" the Cuban-American snapped.

Normani chuckled. "Let her be polite–"

"For once," Camila teased.

Lauren flipped her off and looked at Dinah. "Come on, child," she said.

The blonde walked out with her friend and Camila followed them. Normani walked upstairs and into the bathroom. She moved the shower curtain to see Rocco sleeping.

"Rocco," she said.

The puppy lifted his head up and his tail started wagging.

"Come," The brunette said and left the bathroom.

Rocco jumped out of the bathtub and followed her. Normani sat on the couch and he sat in front of her feet. The brunette smiled and pat the couch. He jumped up and sat his chin on her legs, going back to sleep.

Lauren walked into the house. "We've got a problem," she said.

Normani looked at her. "What's the problem?" she asked.

"Dinah's car won't start," the green eyed girl said.

"Of course it won't," the brunette mumbled.


"Where it always is. His side of the closet."

Lauren walked up the stairs, grabbed what she needed and went outside. Dinah walked inside and sat beside Rocco.  

"You know," she said, softly petting the dog, "you never told me what happened to your husband."

Normani looked at her. "Yeah," she nodded, "I didn't."

"Can you?" The Polynesian asked, "I mean, you don't have to, but–"

"He was shot," the brunette pursed her lips together.

"Oh," Dinah said, "I'm sorry. You don't have to–"

"Dinah Jane," Normani said, "you asked me to tell you, so that's what I'm gonna do. Please, don't cut me off."

"Okay," the older girl nodded.

"He was just outside of the house, and it was late at night. He had a couple of friends over, but the majority of them had left whenever everything went down," the brunette ran her hand through her hair, "there was only two of them still here, once of which had been attempting to flirt with me. Keith, just wanted to talk to him about it, you know, tell him to stop. However, that just lead to an altercation–"

~LMAOOO, UNWANTED FLASHBACK TIME~ (omg y'all, in what story did these start?)

Normani was sitting on the couch with her dog whenever she heard yelling coming from outside. She stood and walked over to the door, opening it.


Her husband turned to her. "Go inside."

"No, what's–"

"Normani, go inside, please." Keith said.

The brunette looked at one of his friends that had his hand in his jacket pocket, then back at him.

'Keith, he—"

Keith put a finger over his lips.

'I know,' he mouthed. 'I'll be careful.' He smiled warmly at the girl. Normani nodded, going inside and shutting the door. Then, she heard the yelling start up again.

She looked out of the window and saw Keith's so called friend pull what he was reaching for out of his jacket. The younger girl's eyes grew wide.

"No," She whispered as the man pointed it at her husband. "No!"


She shut her eyes, then opened them. She was hoping it was all a dream.

Normani looked back out the window, both of the men were already gone, and her husband was lying there on the ground. She ran out the door and knelt down beside him.

"Keith," She whispered, placing a hand on his face, "please."

The brunette hung her head down as tears rolled down her face. The doors to her neighbor's house opened.

"Normani?" She asked. "What are you doing?"

"Leigh," Normani sobbed, "I need you to call the police."

"Did you hear that gunshot?" The English girl asked.

She saw a light come on and heard footsteps behind her. "Yes," she nodded, "I did."

"Do you know where it–oh my god." Leigh-Anne stopped in her tracks as she shone the flashlight on Keith's body.

"Leigh-Anne, call the police," Normani looked at her.

"Yeah," the English girl nodded, "Yeah, I will."


"Normani, I'm so sorry." Dinah said and pulled the younger girl into a hug.

"Yeah," she nodded, "so am I."





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