thirty one

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~a week later lol~

Dinah had moved in, but so far that was all Ally, Lauren, and Camila had realized. They still hadn't noticed the ring on Normani's finger. Dinah and Normani didn't see how, it glistened in any type of light. Right now, the five were sitting on the couch watching usual. Normani sighed and placed two fingers in her mouth before letting out a high whistle.

"Aué," Dinah mumbled, then looked at her fiancée. "Mani, you know how much I hate it when you do that."

"Yeah. That's why I do it." The younger girl smiled as her dogs ran into the house.

The two dogs jumped onto the couch Normani and Dinah were sitting on, and lie down on their legs. "I was thinking..." the brunette said.

"That's never good." Camila said.

"Shut up," Normani rolled her eyes, then looked at the blonde beside her. "We should have a party."

"When? Tonight? I'll get the drinks." Lauren said.

"Not that type of party, Lo." The younger girl shook her head and went to pet Rocco.

"What is that?" Ally asked, looking at the TV.

"What is what?" Dinah asked, squinting her eyes at the TV as she tried to see what her friend was seeing.

"The thing that's glistening on Mani's finger." The Mexican said, looking at Normani's hand.

Lauren and Camila looked too.

"You bitch!" Camila exclaimed.

"What?" Normani asked, she was confused as hell.

"You got engaged and you didn't tell us?!" Lauren yelled.

"This happened about a week ago." Dinah said.

She and Normani looked at each other and smiled.

"ABOUT A WEEK AGO! FUCK WITH US AND THEN WE TWEAKING HO!" The two yelled as they began to do the shmoney.

"No!" Camila yelled, although she wanted to join in. "No! Why didn't you tell us?!"

Rocco barked at the three for yelling.

"Mila, you see this shiny ass, big ass rock on my finger?" The younger brunette asked.

The Cuban-Mexican nodded.

"Anybody with a GPA score of zero could notice that it was one my finger." Normani said.

"My GPA is a four point five and I didn't notice it." Lauren said.

"Well, maybe you read it wrong. Maybe you somehow got lower than a zero, and your score was actually negative four point five."

Dinah laughed loudly.

"You're one to laugh. Wasn't your GPA score a two?" Ally lifted an eyebrow.

"Wasn't yours a one?" The blonde responded.

"Listen," Normani said. "The moral of the story is, you're all dumbasses."

"Fuck off." Camila rolled her eyes.

The younger girl just smiled. "Anyways," she said. "I was talking about an engagement party."

"So, we can still have drinks? Just classy drinks like wine and champagne?" Lauren smiled.

"An engagement party sounds nice." Dinah nodded.

"Great. I'd like to invite Zendaya." Normani said.

The blonde's phone rang. She took it out of her pocket and checked the contact. She sighed and stood. "Hell no." She said to her fiancée before answering the phone and walking off.

It only took a few seconds before Dinah ran back into the living room. "They need my backup. There's a shootout. I love you." She kissed Normani's forehead and ran to the door.

"Dinah, wait!" The younger girl yelled.

"Mani, I need to go."

"What if you get hurt?" Normani asked.

"I won't," the Polynesian smiled. "I know I won't. I really need to go. I love you."

"I love you too."


Dinah was ducked behind a car beside Jade. "Where the hell is Kehlani?" She asked.

"Kehlani was shot." Jade said, breathing heavily.

The two heard a bullet bounce off of the car.

"What?" Dinah asked.

"In the leg. She couldn't walk." The English girl said.

The two heard another bullet bounce off of the car. The blonde jumped up and shot at someone, only for her to feel pain shoot through her shoulder. "Shit!" She cursed loudly, dropping beside Jade.

"Oh, my god. Are you okay?" The older girl asked.

Dinah nodded, knowing damn good and well she wasn't. "We've only got one person left right?" She asked.

"Yes. A Zayn Malik."

The Polynesian sighed and squatted. "I'm going in."

"Dinah, you could get seriously hurt. Then, what would Normani do?"

"I'm not going to get hurt." Dinah said and ran from behind the car.

"Dinah Jane!" Jade yelled over all of the gun shots.

The Tongan just ignored her and began shooting at the guy named Zayn. He ducked down behind a car. He peeked at her from the side, aiming his gun at her. The two made eye contact. Dinah just smiled in amusement as he put his finger on the trigger. She pointed her gun at him and did the same.

"One," she counted. "Two..."

"Three!" Both of them pulled their trigger at the same time. Zayn hit Dinah in the chest, while she hit him in the center of the forehead.

Zayn was definitely dead, and Dinah fell to the ground.

Jade stood and ran over to the blonde. "Officer down!"



A/N: tear. )':

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