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Camila pulled into the club parking lot and looked at her friends. "Let's go."

The three got out of the car and walked into the club. Normani looked to her right to see a short blonde.

"She looks familiar," she said.

Camila and Lauren looked at the blonde as well. "Oh, that's Dinah's friend Ally. She was at the party," Camila said.

Just as she said that Dinah walked up beside the girl and handed her a drink.

"You knew she was going to be here," Normani said.

"Maybe, we did," Lauren shrugged. "Maybe, we didn't."

The brunette looked at her friends. "Why?" she asked.

"Why what? Why don't you have a drink? I don't know. I'll help you with that," Camila said before walking off to get Normani a few drinks.

"I don't drink, C!"

"Right, I forgot," Camila turned to look at her friend. "Just one?"

"A coke is fine, C. I know what you're trying to do."

Just as Camila walked back over with the drinks, Dinah and Ally spotted them. They walked over to them and Dinah looked Normani up and down. "Lauren, did you make her wear this?" she asked.

"Why does it matter? Are you checking me out?" Normani smirked.

Ally giggled. "Yeah, Dinah, are you checking her out?" she asked.

The blonde gave her friend the finger and looked at Normani. "What's the point in coming to a club if you're not gonna drink? You know that's basically the whole point, right?"

"You know, Dinah, if you're gonna be a smartass, you have to be smart first."

"Which is why, you're just an ass," the blonde winked.

"Camila. You wanna dance?" the brunette asked.

"Can you even dance?" Dinah asked.

"Of course Normani can dance," Camila said, "dance is her first language."

"Okay, fine," the blonde said, and held out her hand, "let's go."

The youngest girl took Dinah's hand and they walked off, into the crowd of sweaty people.

The brunette smiled and turned around to face Dinah. "Hi, Dinah Jane," she said.

"Hi, Normani," the Tongan said.

"I like your outfit," Normani said, biting her bottom lip.

"I like yours too," Dinah smirked, "but it would look better off."

(ew omg who let me right this?)

The younger girl lifted an eyebrow and chuckled. "Come on, Dinah," she shook her head, then looked the taller girl in the eye. "We both know you can be smoother than that."

Dinah smiled and led Normani out of the crowd and back over to the three Latinas.

"You're sweaty," Camila said.

"Yes, because it's hot," Normani nodded.

"Would you like a drink?" Lauren held her cup out to her friend.

"Do you want me to get liver cancer?" the brunette lifted an eyebrow. "I told you, I don't drink."

"Hon, the worse thing that could happen to you is a horrible hangover. It'll be your first one. Lauren has had fifteen times that amount in three hours and she's perfectly fine," Camila said.

"The lies you tell," Lauren shook her head at her friend. "Oh, my God, the room is spinning."

The younger girl gave into the peer pressure and took the drink from the Cuban-American and leaned against the blonde behind her. "Your name is Ally right?" she looked at the shortest girl out of the five.

"Right," Ally nodded. "Normani?"

"Mhm," Normani nodded as she drank the rest of Lauren's drink.

"Dinah talks about you a lot," the Mexican said.

"I don't, but okay." Dinah narrowed her eyes at her friend.

Normani looked Lauren. "That was good," she said.

"Do you want another one?" the raven-haired girl asked.

"No, baby, I'm fine. Thanks, though," the brunette smiled.

"You're welcome," Lauren smiled.

Dinah was really enjoying Normani. She was a lot more fun at clubs than during their everyday lives.

"You're really pretty, you know," Normani said, looking up at Dinah.

"Did that one drink get to you already?" the blonde smiled.

"Oh, no, I'm just telling the truth. You have pretty eyes, too. A cute nose, extremely cute dimples, a beautiful laugh," the brunette looked at Dinah's lips, "and nice lips."

Dinah tilted her head to the side. "Is that so?" she asked.

"Mhm," Normani nodded as both girls slowly began leaning in closer.

"Well, how about I show you what they can do?" The Polynesian said before their lips touched.

(what the FUCK)

Ally tapped Lauren and Camila's shoulders. The two turned around and smiled widely.

"We ain't even have to do anything, damn." Lauren said.

The two girls pulled away.

"I want you," Normani said quietly.

[a/n: na na]

"Then, come with me," Dinah said, grabbing the younger girl's hand.

The two left the club and the three Latinas looked at each other.

"Yes!" They said in unison.

However, none of them thought about how this would effect the two girls in the morning.


A/N: hey, hey, hey.

It took my longer than usual to finish his chapter. (:

new a/n: girl ew wtf🤢🤢

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