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Normani was in Walmart getting food for her house. She left Rocco at home, because she will only be there for about thirty minutes. Right now she was in the cereal isle trying to decide between Lucky Charms or Frosted Flakes.

"Lucky Charms are better," someone said.

She looked to her left and smiled. "Hey, Dinah," she said, "what are you doing here?"

"Oh, you know...just chilling," the blonde joked.

Normani rolled her eyes. "Annoying," she said.

Dinah chuckled. "I hope we aren't gonna ignore what happened yesterday," she said.

The brunette just sighed, putting both cereals in her cart.

"Because I'm not gonna let you ignore it," Dinah shook her head.

"I know," Normani said, "but I'm still going to try to."

"Right. Instead, let's speak of how you just got Frosted Flakes," the Tongan grabbed the box, putting it back and replacing it with Lucky Charms, "when I just said Lucky Charms are better."

"I am so sorry," the younger girl chuckled.

Dinah looked up and saw a guy looking Normani up and down. "You've got an admirer," she said.

"Pardon?" Normani asked.

"Someone's looking at your ass," Dinah said.

This girl...

The brunette sighed. "Since when does this happen at Walmart?" She asked.

"Now, I guess," The Polynesian shrugged, "I can get him to stop if you want me to."

"Please," Normani said.

"Okay, face me," Dinah said.

I feel like we all know where this is headed.

The younger girl did as told.

"Are you ready?" The blonde asked.

"Yeah," Normani nodded.

Dinah looked at the guy out of the corner of her eye. He was still staring. The Tongan smiled at Normani and placed a hand on her face. Normani lifted an eyebrow. 

"What are you–" Dinah connected their lips and without thinking Normani kissed back.

The brunette liked the feeling of Dinah's soft lips on hers. She shouldn't get used to the feeling, though. This was only for show. It didn't mean anything...did it? Dinah pulled away from Normani and saw the guy look away. The shorter girl bit her bottom lip.

"Well," Dinah said, "it worked."

Normani nodded. "Yeah, it did," she said. "Mhm."

Dinah looked at her phone. "I've gotta go. I'll see you later."



Normani walked into her house to see Camila and Lauren on the couch with Rocco. And she stood there wondering...when the hell did they get there? Camila looked at her and shrugged.

"Ten minutes ago. The key was under the plant, and your dog was sleeping on the couch. Also, did you kiss someone? You look like you just kissed someone," the Cuban-Mexican said.

"Who would she kiss at Walmart?" Lauren asked. "Where's the stuff you bought?"

"It's in my car," Normani said.

"You didn't answer my question," Camila said as she saw a car pull into the driveway.

"Who would I kiss at Walmart?" Normani asked as the person got out of the car.

"Mani, you forgot something at the store."

Lauren and Camila smirked as Normani turned around and smiled.

"Thanks," She smiled.

"That smile was fake as hell. Did I do something?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah, you just told us who she kissed at Walmart," Lauren said.

Normani hung her head down and sighed. "You two are so annoying," she shook her head.

"Well, I don't see the big deal. I'm a great kisser," the Polynesian said, "and you aren't so bad yourself."

She winked and walked inside.

"So, why'd you two kiss?" Camila asked.

"It didn't mean anything. A guy was staring at me, and she got him to stop," Normani said.

"She got him to stop by kissing you?" Lauren asked.

"Yes," Dinah walked out of the house, "and it worked. Now, are you three going to get the groceries out of her car or not?"

The two Latinas sighed. "We'll talk later," Lauren said.

"No, we won't," the brunette whispered to herself.

She went to go to her car, but Dinah grabbed her arm and spun her around.

"We need to talk about what happened," she said, "tomorrow meet me at American Tea Room as ten. Okay?"

"Okay, but I can't–"

"It's on me," the blonde said, "I've got to go now, but I'll see you then. Right?"

"Right," Normani nodded, "yeah."

"Great," Dinah smiled, "I'll see you later."

The brunette nodded. "Later."


A/N: brace yourself.

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