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Normani woke up the next morning with a horrible headache. She groaned and and opened her eyes, only to be blinded by sunlight. Which was unusual, since she kept her curtains closed. She buried her face into her pillow, which didn't smell like her pillows at all, and tried her best to go to back to sleep. She couldn't do so, though, because for some reason it was unusually cold.

She rolled over, only to roll into something very warm. The brunette slowly opened her eyes.

This was not her house.

She looked at the tan girl beside her, praying that it wasn't who she thought it was. All of a sudden, the girl jumped up from her sleep. She slowly turned her head to the side and the two girls made eye contact.

"Fuck," they said in unison.


"How could you let this happen?" Normani groaned.

"Hey," Lauren said, "We didn't let this happen. You were both completely sober."

"Then why don't I remember anything?!"

"Maybe you're just a lightweight," Camila shrugged, taking a sip of water.

"I am not a lightweight," Normani glared at her friend. "I wasn't even planning on sleeping with her. I can't believe you guys let this happen."

"Yet," Dinah said.

The three Latinas looked at her and smiled.

"Pardon me?" Normani looked at her.

"You forgot the yet after, 'I slept with someone I had no intentions with sleeping with,'" the Polynesian shrugged. "It's supposed to be, 'I slept with someone I had no intentions with sleeping with...yet.'"

Camila and Lauren burst into laughter.

"You're doing amazing, sweetie," Ally nodded and smiled.

"Dinah Jane!" the brunette hit the Tongan's arm.

Dinah chuckled. "Well," she said, standing, "I've got to go to work."

"Bye, Dinah," the three Latinas waved.

"Bye," Normani said.

The taller girl leaned into her ear. "You didn't do half bad last night," she smiled and lifted back up.

Normani thanked God that her complexion couldn't give away the fact that she was blushing.

"Bye, girls!" Dinah waved and walked out of the house.

"Are you blushing?" Camila asked.

"You can tell?" Ally asked.

"It's in her eyes," Lauren shrugged.

"Plus, I've known her since Pre-School," the Cuban-Mexican said.

"Why would you guys let me do that?"

The three looked at each other, then at Normani.

"You obviously wanted it."


"Dinah Jane!" her partner, Kehlani greeted her as she walked through the door.

"Hey, Kehlani," Dinah smiled as she continued walking.

"Dinah!" someone behind her called her name.

The two girls turned around and the blonde tilted her head to the side. "What's up, Melanie?" she asked.

"First, a girl named Zendaya would like to see you. Second, Perrie is waiting in your office to see you," Melanie said.

Perrie Edwards was the Lieutenant, while Dinah Jane was the Sergeant, but also a detective. Perrie probably just wanted to harass her about a recent case she hadn't finished yet.

"Yeah, okay," Dinah sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"Ponytail, Hansen!" Jade teased as she walked by the taller girl.

The Polynesian rolled her eyes and put her hair in a ponytail. "Alright, well, I'll see you in a few minutes," Dinah said to Kehlani before walking off.

"Or hours!" the older girl teased.

Dinah searched the building until she found the girl sitting down. "Zendaya Coleman," she said.

The curly haired girl turned around in her seat. "Dinah Jane."

"You asked for me. What is it?"

"Oh, I just wanted to see you...Sergeant," Zendaya smiled.

"Okay, well, our time is up then. Goodbye," Dinah waved and turned around.

"Wait, Dinah," the taller girl said.

The Polynesian turned around and lifted an eyebrow. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry."


"For what I did to you."

"Oh," Dinah nodded, "It was high school, sweets. I'm over it. Now, if you'll excuse me..I've got to go get yelled at."

The Tongan left before Zendaya could say anything else to her. How the hell did that girl find her? They hadn't talked in years and she just showed up out of the blue. Dinah shook it off and knocked on Perrie's office door.

"Come in, Dinah Jane," the English girl said.

The blonde walked into her office and sat down. "You wanted to see me?"

The Lieutenant looked at her and slid over a Manila folder. Dinah lifted an eyebrow.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Open it," Perrie said.

The Samoan opened the folder to find pictures of her with Normani. She looked through them, and the shorter blonde began talking.

"I have been informed that you have been with Normani Powers. The woman who lost her husband three years ago. You got her case, correct?"

"I'm sorry, why do you have these pictures?" Dinah asked. "More importantly, where did you get them?"

"Are you with Normani Powers?"

"No. I am not. I'm here with you."

"Dinah Jane Hansen, are you in a relationship with Normani Powers?"

"No! Why do you have these pictures? Where did you–"

"There are pictures of you and Mrs. Powers kissing. I will ask you again–"

The Polynesian stood and slammed her hands on the table. "I said no. Normani Powers and I are not together."

"Then, why have you been with her?"

"Because," Dinah said, "I know who killed her husband. She knows who killed her husband. She saw who killed her husband."

Perrie looked at her. "You what?"

"She won't say it. She won't say it out loud."

"Who killed Keith Powers, Dinah Jane?" the English girl asked.

"Arin Ray."


A/N: oooh👀👀

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