Chapter 1

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When Ahsoka Tano slowly regained consciousness she was met with the sound of continuous laughter and music around her. She noticed the strong stench of alcohol seemed to float around her and Ahsoka found herself scrunching her nose in disgust. Ahsoka was fairly certain something was wrong, the feeling of metal around her wrists only confirmed her suspicions. She wasn't at the Jedi temple. And she wasn't back on the ship with the younglings like she remembered. Ahsoka tried to muddle through her memory, trying to figure out what had happened. She remembered the ship being boarded. She remembers fighting the pirates. But after that, she was lost. Ahsoka's head throbbed and her thoughts were coming in slow. Head injury, she thought. That would explain her blank in memory. 

Ahsoka opened her eyes, hoping to gauge the situation. She was lying down on a dirty floor of what she assumed was a bar, people walked around the large room. And by people she meant pirates. Ahsoka looked down to see her wrists were in binders and chained to the floor.

"Oh hello, my dear. Good to see you're still alive."

Ahsoka looked up to see Honda standing in front of her, a drink in hand and a smug look on his face.

"Hondo," Ahsoka growled, memories came flooding back. She was captured. By Hondo.

"Now, now. I wouldn't take that kind of tone with me if I were you. Especially when I hold your tiny life in my hand," Hondo smirked, gesturing towards her neck. 

Ahsoka shifted slightly, trying to look down and felt a cool object around her throat. She would bet the Twilight that the collar around her neck functioned as both a shock collar and a force repressor. Ahsoka decided to test her theory out and made an attempt to move a cup with the force. Nothing. Great.

"Alright Hondo," she said, interest laced her tone. "What's your game?"

The group of younglings that had been accompanied by Ahsoka on their gathering trip were franticly running about the ship hoping to find their padawan friend.

"Katooni, come in," Petro said as he tried to contact his friend.

"Katooni here. Petro, have you found her?"

"No but I'm back in the bridge and we are trying to make contact with Master Kenobi's ship in hopes he will come to our aid. You should get over here in case we need you when he contacts us," Petro recommended.

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute. Katooni out."

As she made her way back to the bridge, Katooni began to realize the only place padawan Tano could possibly be and her conclusion scared her. As she walked into the bridge she saw all of her friends standing in front of the holo transmitter and talking to Jedi Master Obi-wan Kenobi.

"Master Kenobi our ship was attacked by pirates while we were on our way back from Ilum on our Gathering trip. The pirates are gone but we have no idea where our chaperone Padawan Ahsoka Tano is..." Petro was saying but didn't finish as he heard his friend interrupt him from behind.

"Master Kenobi I believe due to the fact that we have searched the entire ship that Padawan Tano was taken captive by the Pirates. It is the only reasonable explanation for her disappearance."

Everyone could sense the shock in the room as she said this but they all knew It had to be true.

"I'll be coming to your location in less than 1 standard hour. I expect your ship to still be there when I arrive. We will then return you back to Corasaunt." Obi-wan replied hoping his calm voice would settle some of the worried younglings. 

"What about Ahsoka?" Zat asked. "Can we not help her?"

"I will deal with Ahsoka and the pirates once you six are safe at the temple. You need not worry just be sure you're still there when I arrive. And under any circumstances, you will not make any attempt to help Ahsoka yourself. You are not trained for any of this and I will not have younglings running about trying to be heroes." As the hologram faded away, the sadness in the room had entered all of their minds. Most wondered if Ahsoka would be alright. 

"Well, what do we do now?" asked Genoti. The younglings all looked at each other, looking for some kind of answer.

"You will continue to construct your lightsabers." They all heard a voice from behind said. When they all turned around they saw Huang.

"Cody I want you to contact the council. I must inform them of the new events," General Kenobi told his second in command. 

"Right away General," Cody replied. He turned to the holo and pressed a button immediately bringing up a hologram of the whole Jedi council.

"Good to see you it is Master Kenobi. Went well your mission did, I assume." greeted the old but wise and powerful Grand Master Yoda. 

"Yes Master, we managed to hold off the Separatist fleet and they have fled in retreat," responded Obi-wan.

" Is there more you wish to tell us, Master Kenobi?" Mace Windu asked.

"Yes, Master. I regret to inform you that I was just contacted by a group of younglings who were returning from their Gathering. From what they told me their ship was attacked by pirates and their chaperone Padawan Tano was taken hostage. Their ship is damaged and they are stranded. I'm on my way now to retrieve them and bring them back to the temple." This news shocked the council. Ahsoka was their top padawan, these pirates would've had to put up quite a fight to be able to take her captive.

" Has there been any contact from the Pirates who took Little 'Soka," asked Plo Koon. No once could ignore the worry in his voice. 

"I'm afraid not Master," Obi-wan said. 

"If wanted a ransom they did, then contacted by now, we would've been." Master Yoda stated. 

"I am more than happy to go help Ahsoka after I return the younglings if there is no one to spare." Obi-wan offered.

"No one left to assist you I am afraid. Hurry you must Obi-wan if save Padawan Tano before it's too late we hope." 

And with that, the transmission was gone and Obi-wan was left to sit and hope he could help Ahsoka in time.


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