Chapter 12

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 "Hey there sleepyhead," Anakin said to his unconscious Padawan as he walked into the room. He took a seat where he usually sat which was to the right of Ahsoka. He had brought a holo net again. He used to love watching it with Ahsoka so he got into a habitat of bringing it to her room. 

It had been a week since she went into the coma. She had a couple of visitors every now and again but it was mostly Anakin. Master Plo came a couple of times but never stayed for long. He wasn't able to bear the sight of his Little'Soka. 

Anakin heard a knock on the door and turned to see Padamè. He waved to her then turned back to Ahsoka. 

"How have you been Ani?" She asked as she took a seat next to him. 

"Better than her I guess." He gestured to Ahsoka and laughed a little bit. 

"Ani listen to me. You don't look good. You need rest and something to take your mind off of her." Padamè said and took her husband's hand.

"I'm fine Padamè I don't need sleep. Besides I'm not leaving her. If she wakes up and I'm not here I'll never forgive myself." He tore his hand away. He wasn't gonna get another Obi-wan talk about doing some else besides staring at Ahsoka. 

"Ani, please. At least go take a shower and have a little nap. Please." Padamè couldn't bear to see him like this. She had to get him to leave and wash up and sleep.   

"But what if.."

"Do you really want Ahsoka to wake up and see you like this. She'll be too worried about you to focus on getting better herself. " 

"Can you stay here then?" He asked. She nodded. 

"Fine I'll be an hour and if she even so much as stirs you contact me." He said while walking out. 

"Alright, alright you just get out of here." They waved goodbye and he left. Padamè was more than happy to stay but she was worried about what Anakin was doing to himself. This could become a major problem if Ahsoka doesn't wake up.

Anakin had just gotten into the shower. He was relieved to be able to take a rest for a bit but was also worried for Ahsoka. What if she woke up and he wasn't there? He threw that thought away and got out of the shower. He dried off then made his way to the couch. He lied down and couldn't help but think about Ahsoka. 

He was facing her door. He got up and walked over to it. When he opened it he saw her room. It was smaller than his but still big. There were clothes everywhere. She wasn't exactly a clean Jedi. He managed to manoeuvre away to her bed. He sat down and looked at everything in the room. He was amazed at how much she was like him. She had a couple of droid and lightsaber components lying around along with food wrappers and clothes. He missed her a lot. Her bubbly personality and snippy attitude. Sometimes she annoyed him but he would never wish for anything like this. He closed his eyes and fell onto the bed. He started sobbing.

Anakin was back in Ahsoka's room now. He had to admit taking a shower and getting a bit of rest did help him feel a lot better. He was glad to be back with Ahsoka though. 

Anakin and Padme were sitting by Ahsoka's bed. Padme was speaking quietly about current senate events to help distract her husband when they were interrupted by a knock at the door. Anakin opened the door to find Obi-wan Kenobi and Plo Koon.

"Anakin the council wishes to see us. You know we still haven't reported on our mission to Geonosis." Obi-wan said.  

"Like I told you before. I'll report once Ahsoka is ok." Anakin said obviously not in the mood.

" Anakin we need to consider the possibility that she doesn't wake," Obi-wan told him. Anakin's eyes went wide and he stared at the Jedi. He was infuriated at that statement. 

"No. She is going to be fine. Don't even say that she won't wake because she will. She did it earlier she can do it again." Anakin was right in the Jedi's face now. 

"Skywalker, I too wish to believe that Little 'Soka will be fine but we can't just sit here. We are fighting a war." Master Plo said. Anakin spun around to look at the Kel Dor. He was not pleased that both Obi-wan and Plo wanted him to give up on Ahsoka. 

"Fine. I'll go with you to report on the mission but I'm not going on any missions. Not now." Anakin said. 

"Fine. Let's go then. Padamè would you please watch Ahsoka while we are gone." Obi-wan asked. She nodded and the three Jedi left. 

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