Chapter 4

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Anakin and Obi-wan were coming out of hyperspace and could now see Florrum. Obi-wan could feel the anger in Anakin as he knew he was not happy to be told his Padawan was in the hands of Hondo.

"Rex, prepare the men. We will be landing soon." Obi-wan told the clone captain.

"Yes General." Anakin landed the Twilight at the pirate stronghold. Anakin walked past his 5 clone troopers and walked right out of the ship with the clones and his former master right behind him. The clones Rex had assigned to this mission were Tup, Fives, Jesse, Echo and Kix. He chose them because he knew they were all good soldiers and would do anything to rescue the commander. 

Hondo walked out to greet the Jedi with a couple of his goons behind him.

"Master Skywalker, Master Kenobi how good it is to see you. What can I possibly do for you?" Anakin was bothered by the Pirates words and he wasn't afraid to say so. He saw both of Ahsoka's lightsabers in Hondo's jacket. He immediately pulled them towards him using the force and handed them to Rex to hold. He pulled out his lightsaber for intimidation but didn't ignite it.

"Where is Ahsoka?!" Anakin demanded an answer and he would not leave without one.

" I'm afraid she is not here Skywalker."

This enraged Anakin and he ignited his lightsabers and put it to the pirate's neck.

"Don't lie!! " he screamed. 

This caused all of the pirates and the clones to take out their blasters. Obi-wan sighed. He knew Anakin was upset but that was no excuse. He walked up to his former Padawan. 

"Anakin lower your lightsaber. Revenge is not the Jedi way. Besides can't you feel it, he's telling the truth." Obi-wan said gentility trying to calm Anakin down. It worked and Anakin lowered his weapon and put it back on his belt.

"If she is not here then where is she?" Anakin said trying to keep his cool.

"I'm afraid I have already sold her. And for a handsome price at that," Hondo said, quite proud of himself. Anger filled Anakin and he was about to yell at Hondo when Obi-wan responded before he could. 

"To whom? If you tell us then maybe we could get the Jedi to forget this even happened." Anakin was mad that they might have to let Hondo off of this one but knew it may be the only way to help Ahsoka.

"Listen I don't know him that well all I know is a name and that you don't want to be on the wrong side of this guy. He has very powerful friends." Hondo said.

"What's his name," Anakin asked. He tried to sound calm but no one was buying it.

" Stang Rav," Hondo said. Anakin had heard of him before when he was a boy. This man is a slaver and not a good one at that. He was known to treat his slaves harshly. Anakin recalled people on Tatooine saying being bought by him was a death sentence. 

Knowing Ahsoka was in the hands of a mercenary like Rav worried him. Anakin turned around and bolted to the ship. Obi-wan ordered Rex and his men to check up on Anakin and be sure he didn't leave while Obi-wan was still talking. 

When Obi-wan was done talking he headed for the ship and when he stepped into the bridge he saw Anakin sitting at the pilot's seat. 

"Where are we going?" Anakin asked while still looking out the window at the pirate stronghold.

"Tatooine. Hondo says he hangs out at Mos Eisley. We might be able to get some information there." Obi-wan replied. Without a word, Anakin took off and set the coordinates for Tatooine. 


Dooku had just walked in and possibly saved her from another beating but she knew he wasn't gonna be any better. 

Still confused about what was going on she stayed still on the bed and watched as Dooku and the man talked. They were whispering but she got out a couple of words. "Padawan...torture...information " She knew this wasn't going to be good. After they were done talking they turned to look at her.

"Come here." The man demanded. Ahsoka stayed where she was growling at him.

"You will listen, you little skug!" He yelled and pressed a button. Electricity shot through Ahsoka's body. She bit her tongue in an attempt to keep herself from screaming. Screaming was a sign of weakness, and she wasn't about to let them think she was weak. 

When it stopped she found her self being dragged towards Dooku by Rav. She was thrown onto her knees at their feet. Ahsoka started staring down at the floor, not wanting to face them. Her montrals were grabbed forcefully and pulled back to make her look at them.

"You are mine now Jedi. You call me and anyone else that is not a slave Master. You do as I say or you get hurt. Understand!" The man yelled. 

"Go to hell!" Ahsoka spat at him and immediately expected to be hit but instead she was shocked. But this time it wasn't by the collar, instead, it was Dooku's force lightning. She again held back her screams but could feel a single tear stream down her face. When it finally stopped Ahsoka was lying on the ground. Heaving in frantic breaths. 

"Take her to cell 4," Dooku commanded two manga droids. 

Ahsoka was lifted up off the ground and dragged into a room with a metal table that had restraints,  a small cart sat in the corner, knives and other torture weapons littered the cart. The image of dried blood painted the room and sent a chill through Ahsoka's body. 

The droids pulled her forward and strapped her to the table. Although Ahsoka tried her best to resist, the droids' hold was too strong and without the aid of the force, Ahsoka was no match. Once the droids had successfully restrained her they walked out of the cell, closing the door behind them. As Ahsoka was left alone, strapped to a metal table surrounded by weapons of torture, she realized that she had never felt so helpless. 


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