Chapter 3

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 Anakin Skywalker stood in the hanger of the Jedi Temple, patiently awaiting the arrival of his padawan. Ahsoka was due to return today from her small mission to chaperone some younglings. Anakin had just got back from a mission of his own that had gone very successful. He did, however, miss his little Padawan and was glad she would be back. 

Anakin didn't have to wait long before a transport shuttle flew in and landed in the hanger. Anakin started towards the ship, intending to meet Ahsoka as she came out. As the shuttle door started to open Anakin was surprised to see Obi-wan Kenobi step out. Anakin was quick to shake off his shock. He had expected his old master to be returning sometime soon anyway. Perhaps he completed his mission sooner than expected. When he saw his Master exiting the ship he began to walk towards him. However, Anakin noticed that there were six younglings following Obi-wan not too far behind. Right before he approached Obi-wan, he saw him tell the younglings something. They all bowed to the Jedi Master and walked away towards the temple doors.

"Did you decide you needed some more help and was too afraid to ask me, my old Master?" Anakin joked as they often did.

"I'm afraid now isn't the time to joke Anakin," Obi-wan responded trying to get Anakin to realize the seriousness of the situation. 

"Oh come now Obi-wan I was only joking." Anakin still didn't realize something was wrong.
"Anakin something has happened." He didn't want to have to continue. He knew Anakin would not be happy to hear the news of his Padawan. 

"It's about Ahsoka." This stopped Anakin in his tracks and suddenly he felt the worry in Obi-wan.  

"What's going on with Ahsoka?" Anakin asked almost afraid to hear the answer.

"Hondo attacked her ship on their way back from the Gathering. In an attempt to save the younglings she was able to force them off the ship but was taken captive in the process. I'm leaving in the morning to go save her but I thought I should tell you of the situation first." Obi-wan wished he didn't have to tell Anakin this but he spat it out as quickly as possible trying not to allow Anakin to burst out screaming before he could finish.

"I'm coming with you," Anakin demanded. Obi-wan knew this would happen so he already asked the council to allow Anakin to accompany him. 

"Alright then have Rex meet us at the Twilight tomorrow at dawn and tell him to bring a small squadron of his best men." 

And with that Anakin turned around to go collect Rex and anything he needed for the mission ahead.

I'm coming snips. 

He said through their bond hoping she might have heard it.

I'm coming snips.

Those three words woke her up from her sleep. She opened her eyes to see a dimly lit room and by the movement around her, Ahsoka could tell she was on a ship. She had expected to be in a cell but she found herself looking at what seems to be someone's quarters. She was lying on the bed when she jumped as she heard the door open and saw a small human/Togurta girl walk in with a tray in her hands. She didn't have head tails like Ahsoka but instead short brown hair. The only indication of her being half Togurta were her facial markings which reminded Ahsoka of Shaak Ti. 

The girl looked to be no older than 4 or 5 and was wearing a collar. She had her head hanging down and walked over to Ahsoka. She pulled over a small table and put the tray on it. She was about to leave when Ahsoka stopped her. 

"Hey. Come'ere," Ahsoka said in the friendliest voice she could. The girl turned to face her and shook her head. Ahsoka was puzzled by this but was determined to get the girl to trust her.

"It's ok I promise I won't hurt you. I'll even let you have some of my food if you like." 

This intrigued the small girl and she slowly began to walk towards Ahsoka. She jumped up on the bed with Ahsoka and started to take a grape, looking at Ahsoka for confirmation. Ahsoka nodded to the girl and she quickly shoved the grape in her mouth. 

"Can you tell me your name?" Ahsoka asked.

" Lily " responded the girl. 

"Hello, Lily. I'm Ahsoka. Do you know where we are."

" We are on Master's ship heading to the scary man's hideout," Lily said as she shivered at the thought. 

" Who is this scary man Lily?" Ahsoka said puzzled by Lily's comment.

"He is tall and old and scary. If he is mad he shoots purple light at you." Lily whispered almost afraid he was listening. Ahsoka knew who she was talking about but before she could ask more the ship came to a stop and the door suddenly flew open. Lily jumped off the bed and ran a few feet away from the man standing in the doorway. 

" Lily, darling I thought I told you to come in, bring the food then leave. And what did you do?" The man said.

"I stayed. I'm sorry, master. I will do better next time." Lily said, her head hung low. 

Ahsoka wasn't sure what was going on but she knew Lily was afraid of this man and what he might do.

"Leave us." He commanded. 

And with that Lily was gone. The man closed and locked the door behind her, then walked closer to Ahsoka. She leaned back but found herself pressed against a wall. He sat down next to her and began stroking her lekku. 

Immediately disturbed by this, Ahsoka jumped back and slapped his hand away. This angered him and he landed a hard slap across Ahsoka's face. She fell to the ground and began to feel the hot sting on her face. Suddenly her arm was grabbed and she was thrown on to the bed. He pinned her down and leaned in close. 

"Do that again..." He said as his hand came down on her face.
"And you will wish you were dead." Ahsoka closed her eyes as she saw his hand wind up to hit her again.
"Enough," said a voice that was all too familiar. The man got up and stood facing the person who had stopped him. Ahsoka sat up to see the one man she hoped she would never have to see.


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