Chapter 13

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 They had made it to the council chambers. Anakin had to wait outside while Obi-wan and Plo told them he was going to report to them of the mission. He was allowed in after a couple of minutes and made his way to the centre of the circle. 

"Skywalker. Master Kenobi tells us you are ready to give your mission report." Mace Windu said. He kept his unhappy mood as usual.

"Yes master," Anakin responded. 

"When we arrived at the prison master Kenobi and I split up as planned. I was searching in the cells while he set the bombs. We came across one prisoner. A little human/Togurtan girl. She had told us there was only one other prisoner so she took us to them. When we got there it was revealed the prisoner was my Padawan." Anakin said. The council already knew most of this but his report was necessary. Anakin continued. 

"Unfortunately we were overrun by droids and forced to surrender. That was when I met up with Obi-wan who had also been captured. We were held up in cells for two days. Myself, master Kenobi, my clone captain and my Padawan all suffered from torture. My Padawan suffered the most." Anakin paused. He hated thinking about what happened. He was just hoping they would leave it at that. He was wrong though. 

"Why do you say that?" Master Mundi asked.

"She suffered through mental, emotional and physical torture. Some I can only assume will require counselling." He looked down. He couldn't imagine how long it might take for her to overcome this. 

"In what ways was she tortured Skywalker?" Windu asked. 

"Masters is that absolutely necessary?" Anakin asked. 

"Tell them Anakin," Obi-wan said. Everyone was confused as to what had happened. They needed to know and wondered why Anakin was so reluctant to tell them. 

"Fine. We were mainly tortured by Stang Rav. The slaver who had bought Ahsoka from Hondo. I'm not sure if it was solely to obtain information or other reasons but he.... he raped her. Multiple times." A wave of shock stormed through the council. Anakin noticed that Master Ti hung her head low and left out a soft cry. 

"Her injuries, what are they?" Master Yoda asked. 

"In our escape, she was shot and lost a lot of blood which caused her to go into a coma. She also suffered third-degree burns most likely as a form of torture. Besides that, she has minor cuts and bruises." Anakin was still looking down. Anakin's comlink started blinking. He smiled then answered it. 

"General Skywalker here."

"Anakin! It's Senator Amidala. Something is wrong with Ahsoka. She has just been taken into surgery." She said. 

"I'll be right there," Anakin said. 

"Dismissed you are Skywalker." Master Yoda told him. With that, he bowed and rushed out of the room.


When Anakin reached the waiting room he saw Padamè standing outside. 

"Padamè. What happened." Anakin asked and embraced his wife in a hug. 

"After you left a medical droid came in to check on her. He did some X-rays and found that she had internal bleeding. That was when they took her into surgery." Padamè was shaking. This whole ordeal was getting to her. 

"Padamè you need to go back to your apartment. You're too shaken up to be of any help to us." Anakin told her. 

"Are you kidding me. No, I'm not leaving." She was angered that he wanted her to leave in a time like this. 

"Padamè please." He stared into her eyes trying to convince her to leave. 

" Fine." She said goodbye then left.

Anakin waited alone outside the operating room. He was worried and anxious. He could feel Ahsoka's force signature. But it was weak. He knew if she died he would feel it before anyone tried to tell him. 

It had been 2 hours. By now Obi-wan and Master Plo were waiting as well. The surgeon walked out. Just like last time blood all over him. 

"We managed to stop the bleeding. However, she will need to stay in the Halls of Healing for quite some time because a lot of her bones are badly bruised and the cuts have been reopened. We closed them again but they were deep. It will take time to heal." He told them. 

" Is. Is she awake." Anakin asked. 

"She is still knocked out from the anaesthesia right now. We believe the internal bleeding was a factor in why she was in a coma so now that we've fixed that we hope that when the anaesthesia wears off she will wake up." He said. 

"May we see her?" Obi-wan asked. 

"Of course." The three Jedi walked into the room. Ahsoka was in a hospital gown. They could see bandages all over her body. They all sat down and looked at the girl. She was still but every once in a while she would flinch or move a bit. 

They all started talking after a bit. Mainly about Ahsoka. Funny things she did or times where she was really angry or stubborn.

"Master remember the time when Ahsoka got so mad at me for cheating in holochess that we ended up in a heated sparring match." Anakin reminded his old master. 

"That was a very eventful day Anakin. I almost forgot that." They all started laughing but were shocked by the next voice they heard.

"I sure hope you don't forget it was me who won that fight," Ahsoka said while opening her eyes and sitting up. 

"Ahsoka!" Anakin cried out. He leaned forward and hugged her. 

"It's good to see you awake little 'Soka," Master Plo said. 

" What's even going on?" Ahsoka asked. 

"What's the lasts thing you remember snips?" Anakin asked. 

"Well, I remember using your lightsabers to fight off Rav. But that's it," she said while rubbing her eyes. 

"Well after that Rav fled like the coward he is and we rushed you back to the temple. You uh you were in a coma due to your injuries." Anakin explained. Ahsoka's eyes went wide. 

" I was in a coma?" She looked to Anakin who nodded. 

"For how long?" 

"Like a week," Anakin told her. Ahsoka was about to ask more questions when a doctor walked in. 

"It's good to see your awake Ahsoka. How are you feeling?" He asked. 

"Um I'm fine I guess. My stomach stings a bit and I'm kinda groggy but besides that I'm fine." She told them. 

"Well you are still on a lot of drugs so you won't exactly feel like yourself for a bit but it should help with the pain. Skywalker can I have a word with you out in the hall?" The doctor asked. 

" Yes of course," Anakin said. He got up have Ahsoka a smile then walked out. 

"Is there a problem?" Anakin asked. 

"No. Ahsoka is healing nicely. My only concern is that it stays that way. I'm sure Ahsoka is going to try and be strong and fight through this but she can't. She needs time and lots of rest for her recovery. If she tries to do too much too soon it could slow down her recovery time." The doctor explained. This concerned Anakin as well. If he knew his padawan she was going to be difficult to get to relax. 

" Is that all." The doctors nodded his head and they bid each other good day. 

Anakin walked back into the room and the conversation stopped. Everyone looked at him with questioning eyes. 

"So master what was that about?" She asked with happiness in her tone. She obviously had no idea anything was wrong. Anakin took a seat next to the bed and grabbed Ahsoka's hand.

"Nothing. Okay, don't think about it. All that matters is that you're okay, you're safe now."

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