Chapter 9

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  *WARNING of semi-graphic description of torture and rape, as well as mild swearing* 

 The whole room went silent as they heard Ahsoka's reply. Rex and all the clones were angered at the thought of their strong commander being tormented like that. Anakin was ready to kill anyone who came near Ahsoka and Obi-wan was full of sadness as he thought of the poor girl. She was only sixteen and now not a virgin. 

"Ahsoka I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let them take you." Anakin said while still holding her. 

Ahsoka wasn't quite ready to talk. So she continued to cry into Anakin's shoulder. After a little while Ahsoka ended up falling asleep in Anakin's arms and he gently put her on the bed. Then all the men huddled around the cell walls, trying to come up with a plan. 

"What if the next person to get taken were to fight back before the cells were locked. Then we could rush them and take them off guard." Jesse suggested.

"Are you dumb Jess, last time they came with 5 super droids, there is no way we could do anything without getting stunned or killed." Fives snapped back at his brother.

"What if the generals were to push them back with the force," Tup added.

"No that would just make too much noise and we'd be caught long before we could even get out of the cellblock. And besides, the generals and the commander have collars on that most likely cut them off from the force" Rex said.

"Generals do you have any ideas?" Echo asked and drew attention to the two Jedi. Anakin hadn't even heard them this whole time. He was distracted by the slow breathing of his Padawan resting behind him. 

"Unfortunately no. Anything I came up with would just end with us being thrown back here." Obi-wan answered. 

"Anakin you need to stop obsessing over how your gonna kill Rav. " Obi-wan told his old apprentice.

"Obi-wan you heard what he did. He violated her and she's in pieces now!" Anakin yelled at him not caring how it might look. 

His loud tone woke up Ahsoka. She began to sit up but fell back when her muscles gave out. Anakin ran to her and lifted her up and carried her to the group. She sat down with them and started to rub her face. It burned from the hard slap Rav had given her which probably was already forming a hand-shaped bruise. Anakin put his arm around her and they sat like that while the group talked. All their plans had major faults in them. Ahsoka sat there and just listened. She was in no position to be thinking up any plans. 


It had been two days since Ahsoka was raped. Neither Dooku nor Rav came to their cell once. Everyone was starving. All they had been given was dirty water once a day. Almost everyone had given up on trying to escape. It was early in the morning when 3 super droids came to the cell. They took Obi-wan away before anyone could do anything. The droids brought Obi-wan to another cell and strapped him to a chair. Soon Dooku walked in. 

"I'm so glad we finally get to talk without Skywalker interrupting us," Dooku exclaimed. 

" If you were to bring Anakin in here he would do more than just interrupt us," Obi-wan replied.

"Well, I was planning on bringing him in until I heard Rav had already started breaking your souls with what he did to the girl." Dooku chucked at his response. 

"Why did you do it. She is just a child!" Obi-wan was infuriated.

"I hadn't planned on Rav raping her. It actually never crossed my mind to torture her in that way. However, seeing the outcome I'm glad he did." Dooku said pleased at how his plan was unfolding. 

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