Chapter 6

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 Anakin awoke after having a nightmare. He dreamed Ahsoka was being tortured and was pleading for Anakin to save her but no one came. It had been a week since Ahsoka was taken and they were at a dead end. Obi-wan and Anakin had arrived at the slaver's home on Raxus but found nothing. The whole house was empty and there was no one who knew anything. The most they got out of the neighbours was that they left in a hurry. After the trail went cold they were ordered back to the temple. The council had felt that the investigation wasn't worth their time. They were, after all, fighting a war. Anakin was sent to the council chambers to be assigned a new mission. He was enraged that they didn't care for his little Padawan. He knew he would find her and wouldn't stop until she was safe with him at the temple. He waited outside of the council doors waiting to be allowed in. 

"Enter you may. " he heard master Yoda call from inside the chambers. Anakin entered and took his place in the middle of the circle. 

"Another mission we have for you Skywalker," Master Yoda said. 

" We want you to head to Geonosis. The Separatists have a prisoner of war camp there and we want you to destroy it," said Master Windu. Everyone could tell he wasn't happy that Skywalker was being assigned this mission. 

"You will take a small squadron of clones and destroy it without being spotted." Master Plo stated. 

"What about the prisoners?" Anakin asked. 

"According to our scouts the camp doesn't have many prisoners anymore and we don't believe anyone is there. However, if we find any we will assist them in escaping." Obi-wan assured him.

"We? Master" Anakin asked

"Assist you with this mission Master Obi-wan will," Yoda stated. 

"Leave tomorrow you will. Dismissed you are young Skywalker." 

"Thank you, Masters," Anakin said and bowed politely. And with that, he left. 

"I still don't think it was wise not to alert Anakin of the information we received about this mission," Obi-wan said. 

"If there she is. Feel her young Skywalker will." Yoda said.

"We need him to be focused on the mission at hand. If we were to tell him that Rav was spotted he would be filled with false hope." Windu said. 

"If she is there he won't be happy if he finds out we knew," Obi-wan said and with that, the meeting was done and Obi-wan left to go to bed as he knew the mission ahead was going to a stressful one. 


Ahsoka hadn't gotten off that table for 5 days now. She had been beaten, cut, electrocuted and even tortured through drugs. She was starving, thirsty and exhausted. If the information she had wasn't so important she would have cracked. But she knew that she had to be strong and hold out until her master could come and find her. She was usually alone in the cell except for when Lily would come in to treat any life-threatening wounds. Ahsoka enjoyed talking to Lily but their conversations were usually cut short by Dooku or Rav. The door shot open and there stood Dooku. He walked up to her but paid no attention to her. Fear shot through her body as he began to pick up a long, sharp knife.

"Now why don't you just make this easy on yourself and tell me everything you know about the republic. Even a base location would be enough to give you food." Dooku said as he took the knife and waved it around her face.

"I'm not telling you anything, you dumb old man!" Ahsoka said. This wasn't unexpected from her. She had kept up her spirits the whole time and never waited for a chance to insult the Count. This angered him as he began to get annoyed by her rude comments. 

"Fine." He said and then made a deep cut across Ahsoka's face. She didn't scream but let out a small moan instead. She had gotten a lot of cuts like this all around her body. This didn't even shake Ahsoka. She knew they would heal and maybe leave scars but that didn't bother her. She had to stay strong. If she didn't and let something slip her master would never forgive her. The interrogation went on for hours after that. Today the torture was mostly cutting. Until after around 2 hours where Dooku called on two droids. 

"Bring her to cell 8" He commanded. The droids came up to Ahsoka and Dooku left. They undid the restraints, pulled her off the table and she fell to the floor. After being on the table for 5 days she could hardly move her arms and legs and they would certainly not hold her up. The droids grabbed her arms and dragged her out and into another cell. When the entered it was empty. No table or weapons. Nothing. Until something hanging from the ceiling caught her eye. 

There were 3 chains where you would hang someone by there arms or legs. She wondered which would be for her. The droids dropped her on her head which caused pain as her lekku and montrals are very sensitive. Because of this she became dizzy and had blurred vision which made her not even realize what the droids were doing. The picked her up and hung her by the feet. Then they tied her arms behind her back and connected it to the other chain hanging from the ceiling. This prevented Ahsoka from making almost any movement. Suddenly Dooku walked in accompanied by Rav.

"What the hell do you two want. I already told you I know nothing." Ahsoka said almost passing out due to all her blood rushing to her head. 

"Listen, you little brat. We know you have the information we want. So you're gonna give it to us whether you like it or not." Rav practically screamed this at her. Dooku just stood there observing.

"You know what. Go to hell!" Ahsoka barked at them. She almost regretted it when Rav landed a hard punch to her stomach. This caused some bleeding to cuts that had not completing healed. Ahsoka knew she didn't have much time before she was killed by these two. She suddenly started coughing up blood. 

"We've grown impatient with your silly attitude Padawan," Dooku said in a calm voice. He ignited his lightsaber and came closer to Ahsoka.

"You will tell us what we want to know child!" He was yelling now which scared Ahsoka a little bit but she refused to show it. 

"NEVER!" Ahsoka spat. Dooku had expected this response and brought his lightsaber to her stomach. She tried to move away from it but the chains prevented this. She groaned as the blade burned her skin. Any closer and the blade would have severed a vital organ and she would be dead in less than an hour. Of course, killing the girl was not Dooku's plan. He only wanted to scare the girl into revealing all to him. He pulled it away and Ahsoka began to breathe viciously. 

"Is that the best you can do!" Ahsoka choked out. 

"Oh please. You haven't even seen anything close to my best." The Count then put his lightsaber blade to her right arm and burned a line up her arm. This was too much for Ahsoka. She started screaming and thrashing her body around.


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