Chapter 16

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~~~Willows POV~~~

The voices surrounded me.

Taunted me.

Different voices melded together, causing a raspy gurgle of insults and dark truths.

".... Who are you?" This one is more familiar. It's Eryx, his blank face now pair with furious eyes. "You don't know, do you? All alone in this world, you're just a naive child."

I put my hands over my ears, trying to block out the questions that often clouded my mind, but never pointed out to me. "Shut up, shut up, shut up..."

"Why Willow?" Ariana stood next to him, arms crossed as she stared up at me. "You know he's right. Poor little Willow, the Demi god no one wanted or asked for. You didn't think we were actually your friends did you?"

My breaths turned ragged. They were my friends, they had to be. We spent weeks together. We've had a few spats, but we were friends.

"No one loves you." I whipped to my right to find the source of the voice. It was James. "Why would they? I knew you sense we were kids, and still I feel like strangers sometimes. You would always rather play with your bow and arrow, you just can't let people get close can you?"

Kit appeared with her arms draped around him, her lips too close to his ear, his face, for my comfort. "Of course, babe. Why would someone so broken, clueless, and disgusting want to let people in. To know what a mess up she is."

And then Ryan was nose to nose with me his eyes as fierce and angry as they are in battle. "We all know the truth. The world would be better without you Willow. Why don't we fix that?"

~~~James' POV~~~

I pressed my hands against the walls that surrounded me. Trapped me.

The bricks were a dull grey. The room only two feet by two feet and six feet high at most, I could hardly move. Hardly breath.

"" My voice was hourse, shaking. The air was so thin. Why was it so thin?

Instead of the help I had been seeking, a black goo began to seep through the cracks between the bricks. It was coming in all directions, from over head, and the sides. It was only a matter of seconds before I was ankle deep in it.

My hands trembled as the goo got to my waist.

Then my neck.

Before I knew it I was swimming in it, drowning in it, as it seeped into my ears and nose.

And right as I couldn't handle it any longer, it was all gone. Disappeared like water evaporating.

When I finally peeled my eyes open though, I watch as the goo gather and reformed above my head.

I watched as all eight legs appeared.

I watched a it became the largest spider I'd ever laid eyes on.

~~~Kit's POV~~~

I was my eleven year old self again hiding in the closet from.... Her...

I could feel the tears trail down my face, but I couldn't care less. As long as she didn't hear me, didn't find me.

I knew what I did wrong. But how could I be held accountable? It was my teacher that made me stay after school for tutoring, it was her fault I came home late, it was her fault only five minutes after I walked into the old, moldy house that my foster mom came home. She came home, and I hadn't made her dinner.

I knew from the look she gave me, I was going to get it.

So I ran.

I ran up the stairs and into the hallway closet, my back against the door in an attempt to prevent her from getting in.

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