Chapter 2

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"What is that!?" Kit shrieked.

"It's a... one eyed... bull... human... oh I know! A uni-eye-hu-bull!" I said nodding at my new word in approval.

"You see it!?" Eryx yelled turning to face me.

"It's kind of hard to miss..." I said raising an eyebrow in wonder of how dumb he thought I was.

His face showed disbelief. "But how did they not find you!? Oh forget it! Looks like you aren't too irrelevant anymore Princess."

He then took a skull shaped ring from his finger and turned it three times. Suddenly the ring was gone and he was holding a silver and black sword.

He looked over at Kit. "Both of you stay over here I'll deal with this guy..."

Kit ran over to me as Eryx stepped forward to fight the Uni-eyed-hu-bull. "What do you think he means they didn't find us?"

I shrugged. "I have no idea, but I think your brothers about to try and fight that thing."

She gave me a blank look. "No he got out that sword to cook."

I rolled my eyes at her and focused on the fight. In all honesty I thought the bull-thing was going to kick his a- butt! But to my surprise Eryx was pretty handy with his sword, letting out strong arches and diving to avoid the monster's attack. The kid had some fancy foot work.

It ended with him cutting the head off it and its body disappearing into a cloud of dust. Kit and I stared in amazement and shock.

"Ok... that was impressive..." I murmured as he turned back to us.

"What is going on!?" Kit asked panicking. I couldn't blame her though, after all it wasn't exactly an everyday experience, and Kit didn't do too well with crazy. She freaked out when the cafeteria served pizza more than one day of the week.

"Come with me and I'll explain everything. But if we don't leave now more of those things will come." Eryx said seriously, now standing next to the whole in the wall waiting for us.

I shrugged and started walking to him until Kit grabbed my arm. "Seriously! You're just going with him! What happened to stranger danger!?"

"Well he just killed that thing that wanted to kill us, plus if we leave that means no school and no math test."

She gave me an unbelieving stare. "You would go off with some stranger just to get out of a stupid math test!?"

After think for a second I nodded at her. She looked like she was about to explode before Eryx grabbed both of our arms. "If we don't leave now than there is no way we are surviving, so I'm making the decision for you Kit- you're coming."

With that he pushed both of us in a cab, got in, and gave an address to the driver.


As soon as we were out of the cab we were hiking, which is pretty much a nightmare for someone like me.

Both Kit and Eryx were ahead of me. At first they slowed down to help me, but once they realized I was gonna trip over everything anyways, they walked in front knowing it was useless to try and help me keep up.

As Eryx went passed an oak tree he looked at us expectantly. Confused Kit and I walked past it giving him our 'are you crazy' looks. He relaxed as soon as we were through. "ok so long story short you guys have one parent who's a god- so you guys are demi gods. I am Hade's kid, Kit we have the same mother but I don't know who your dad is. Here you guys will train to be safe and fight and stuff. Oh and our instructor is half horse so don't freak out." He said all of that in about one breath, and gasped for air afterwards. Talk about ripping off the Band-Aid...

"But that's impossible I have to normal parents, not, a-a god!" I screamed.

Eryx sighed. "Listen it's a lot to get used to, but you will, I promise. Oh here comes Chiron- if he asks I told a long time ago, not last minute."

I stared at Eryx in disbelief. I mean, who just tells someone that then asks them to cover for them!? Ugh, Kit and Eryx were so unalike it was hard to believe they were related...

Chiron came up to the still shell-shocked Kit and I. After one look at us he turned to Eryx with a stern look. "You just now told them didn't you."

"Well- I ah, um... kind of..." I couldn't help but to snort at his pathetic attempt at finding an excuse. He turned to glare at me as the Chiron tried to hide his chuckling. I then looked down from his friendly bearded face to his body. I frowned. He was a...

"You're a pony." I stated.

He scuffed and looked offended. "I am half HORSE. A centaur. And I am also your camp instructor, so don't be so quick to judge me."

I put my hand up I the surrender position not wanting to piss someone off who is twice my size and not even human... well then again I might not be exactly human either...

"What? I don't understand! How is he my brother!?" Kit asked. I was just as confused as Kit, but I'm pretty used to being confused and just going with things.

Chiron sighed and looked at me. "Listen, we have a lot more to explain to Kit than we do to you- things that you are not involved in and don't need to know about."

I pouted, if there was one thing I didn't like, it was not knowing things- I was nosy and curious, it just came natural.

Eryx, seeing my reaction, rolled his eyes at me. He then looked over at a couple of students taking a walk nearby. "HEY WILLOW! OVER HERE!"

A girl with an orange shirt, blue jeans, and converse came running over. When she got closer I noticed more of her features. She had fiery red hair, pail freckled skin, blue eyes, and was a much taller than me (she had to be at least 5'9).

"Yeah," she said when she got close.

"This is Arianna. She's new here at camp and I need you to show her around while we talk to my sister."

Willow raised her eyebrow at the word sister but didn't comment. Instead she turned to me and stuck her hand out. "HI! I'm willow! Nice to meet you. You'll love it here! We're going to be great friends!"

When I put my hand out to shake hers, she grabbed it and started running toward a few distant buildings while laughing like a maniac.

Yup. I agree. This girl is completely crazy- which means we'll be great friends.

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