Chapter 18

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I took a deep breath as my eyes skimmed the breath-taking view. The way I was standing I could see the powerful ocean waves crashing down into the golden sand, as well as the dense forest that lay next to it. The night before had been the first snow of the winter, littering most of the trees and the ground (excluding some beach areas that the waves had washed it away) with a thin layer of snow. The air was kind of salty and there was a slight fog, but the view was still unforgettable.

I was still used to running on little sleep, so the past few days at camp half blood I'd find myself going to bed at a normal time but still waking up shockingly early. When we had gotten back we were treated like heros, everyone patting us on the back, planning a big party, the whole deal. But then word got out that we indeed had failed our mission, that pandora had died and the box was stolen, not to mention the bad news we brought back with us about the gods. It was four days ago, and we had been ignored by everyone ever sense.

Their was a slight rustling behind me, I turned my head and saw Chiron approaching me. "You seem very upset lately, Ariana."

I sighed looking back up at the coast. "We failed Chiron. The only thing we gained on this trip was a map, a mutation inside of Willow, and a curse on me. I swallowed my pride and got a gods help, but I still couldn't do it."

He shook his head and put an arm on my shoulder. "Yes you didn't save a life or win a legendary battle or get the box. But I don't think you were meant to. The prophecy didn't specify on you guys going to fight, but to get information. And that you did do."

I still didn't feel right about what had happen. "The quest was to save Pand-"

"No it was never about saving her. It was always about Finding Pandora."

"What happens now? Those weird lesser gods, they're making the other gods less powerful and with the box..."

He scratched his chin as though it was something he had been thinking about himself. "I'll need to keep an ear out, find a way to get information... But once I have enough to go on, what we need to do to defeat them, I know what the course of action will be..."

I raised an eyebrow. "And that is?"

He looked into my eyes for a moment before gazing out into space. "You truly are a special girl, Ariana. I will not tell you my plan now, but soon... I'll be able to trust you with my secret, won't I?"

I looked at him curiously but let it go. After all, the way he was talking it sounded like it wouldn't be long before I did know. "Of course Chiron, good old dad may not be the best, but he has done pretty well with the world."

He smiled. "By the way while we were watching your dad we noticed him being stalked by the same eagle for a few days. When we caught him and got a satyr to talk to him he said god eyes sent him to watch after her dad and that his name was Sylvester. Did you have anything to do with this?"

I chuckled. "Maybe. I'm thinking about keeping him as a pet... So my dad's okay? What does he think has happened to me, we were gone for over two weeks."

Chiron nodded with a tight smile. "Your dad's a bright man, it took quite a bit of magic to work on him. But he thinks you were at rehab center."

I looked at him with my jaw hanging in total shock. "You what?!"

He laughed loudly, throwing his head back in delight. "Yup! Said the rehab facility had a program for those who are addicted to not sleeping. And luckily enough you fixed that problem on your quest, so keeping the story in order should be no problem!"

I tried to stay mad but couldn't help but laugh a little. "Thanks Chiron, great cover story, honestly. Has he been worried about my 'rehab?'"

He shrugged. "Your father was just happy you were getting the help you needed. But I assume you're leaving soon and will figure that out yourself."

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