Chapter 12; Part 1

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***Willow’s POV***

My eyes flung open as I quickly went into a sitting position. Sweat covered me and there was a slight buzzing sound in my ears.

I surveyed the room surrounding me. It seemed to be completely made of sticks, leaves, and mud. There was no door, just an open wall. The room was domed and very hut-like. I looked down at where I was sleeping to see it was made of some kind of hay and covered in… animal skins!

I jumped up remembering that zoo… the miserable animals… the fact that those skins once held life…

Then I remembered the fight on the plane, Ryan being pushed into my lap before the door broke, my helpless attempt to stay in the plane…. And falling…

I looked around, realizing I didn’t know how I came to this hut or where my friends were…

I slowly crept out of the hut, the sun hung low in the sky, I estimated it was very early in the morning. There had to be hundreds of huts surrounding mine, only they seemed smaller and older.

I steadily made my way around them, careful not to make noise and keeping my eyes peeled for sight of my bow and arrow. It would be a shame if I stole it from Percy just to lose it.

Then someone grabbed me from behind, quickly turning me. I prepared myself for a fight before I realized there had to be at least fifty women huddled behind me and I had no weapon.

Well shit…

“She has awoken!” someone in the crowd said. Everyone there looked relatively the same, hair cut short, cloths made of leaves, females… And oh my gods they have only one lump in their shirts! They have one boob! The have a damn uni-boob! What in the name of tartarus!?

“Ummm… yeah I’m… um… I’m up?” I couldn’t do anything to make them mad, that much was obvious, I was exceedingly outnumbered. I didn’t want to say anything that defied their word.

They stayed silent for a few minutes just staring at me, making the atmosphere pretty awkward. “So, not to complaining or anything, but, ugh, where am I? And who are you?”

The one in the front of the crowed bowed. “We are the followers of the great huntress. The one whom defies men and is in the shadow of the moon. And you are in our camp.”

I looked at them in disbelief. “Amazons! But they modernized! You-your, what!?”

“We are new in the huntress’ eyes. We do not yet live immortally, but we have been recognized by the gods, as we can recognize them. We can recognize one in you.”

I held my breath… they couldn’t… “You can recognize which one is in me, i-is my parent…”

She looked happily up at me. “We can see it within your eyes. Those of us spiritual can easily see it.”

“Who’s… who’s my godly parent?”

She laughed. “Oh don’t worry, you’ll figure out after you’re in the tribe.”

My eyes went wide. “When I’m what?”

She smiled so much it seemed her face would break in half. “You will make a great leader for us, the goddess may even give us immortality if a demi-god vouches that we are worthy…”

“When exactly will I join the tribe?” I asked needing to know how much time I had.

“We need time to set up the ceremony, so it shall be tomorrow at midnight. We want to make sure the breast ripper is properly sterilized for you.”

I choked on the air around me, which suddenly seemed much thicker. “The what-ripper?!”

She smiled again, and I was beginning to find it very creepy. “Don’t worry it’ll only hurt for a day or two, and it makes using bows and arrows much easier.”

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