Chapter 4

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I'm not exactly sure how I got there but I did think it was pretty ironic. When I had been claimed everything went to chaos. People were yelling and congratulating me. I wasn't important when I was that weird new girl, but the daughter of Zeus was pretty important to them. Willow had looked sad, as if me being claimed meant we weren't friends anymore. Kit, Eryx, and Chiron were trying to get through the crowd and talk to me.

I was over whelmed. So what did I do? I ran. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. I thought it was kind of ironic that I decided to run to the place that was strongly connected to the cause of my anxiety. The Zeus cabin. Not only the Zeus cabin- but the roof that jetted out into the sky. I guess I really was a Zeus kid.

The first emotion I had was disbelief. I loved my dad. Growing up I had always been a daddy's girl. I had always idolized my dad, wanted to make him proud. Up until seventh grade when I met Kit, he was the one I went to when I was upset. He was always the smartest person I knew, and the fact that I may not even be related to him- it made me feel crushed.

Next came anger. My mom. She had been married to my dad for five years before I was born. She had cheated on him. She had done the unthinkable to such a sweet man. She had learned that I wasn't his and hadn't told me. I wasn't sure if she had told him- if she had, wouldn't he have told me? How could she have done something so cruel?

Then I felt guilt. I felt guilt for being so angry at my mom. My mom who I hadn't seen in months, who I would never see again. But it didn't stop the anger, which only made me feel even guiltier.

All these emotion swirled around in me endlessly. Yet I felt empty. A strange sense of not knowing who I was, or what I was supposed to feel and do, overwhelmed me.

I sighed. Ever since I was little, when I was upset I would go to high places. They just always comforted me. You would be surprised how many times I fell asleep on the roof of my house. When my mom died I practically lived up there for a month. I hated how it made since now.

"I know how you feel." I turned my head sharply to find Eryx sitting next to me. How had I not heard him? As if reading my mind he said, "One of the perks of being a Hades kid."

"Oh," was all I said. I felt pretty awkward. I had known Eryx for a day and he did not give a good first impression.

"I don't really know what you're going through family wise, Kit told me about your relationship with your parents. I mean I never really knew my dad so it was just sort of... the same. But I know how you feel when it comes to people judging you because of your godly parent. Most of the people at camp hate me for my dad and my powers, except my friend Ryan. My own sister has known me for a day and thinks I'm a creep. You hate me, even."

"I don't hate you because of your dad I hate you because of your personality." I answered honestly.

He chuckled. "As weird as it sounds, thanks for that. And thanks for being my sisters friend. Now about that quest, and yes I know Kit told you about it... well you're obviously the daughter of Zeus, and you're going. While we figure out who the other person in the prophesy is, you and Kit will train. I need to go. Goodnight Princess."

I let out a groan. "Why do you keep calling me that?"

He was about to jump off the roof but then looked back at me. "Does it annoy you?"


"That's why." I narrowed my eyes at his back as he jumped off the roof and landed safely on the ground, reminding me of a cat. That kid was weird, but I had to respect him. He understood kind of and I appreciated that.

I sighed, knowing I would only be able to sleep if I stayed on the roof. Slowly my eyelids became heavy and I slipped into darkness.


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