Chapter six: I trusted you.

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The rumbling of the ground and the shattering of concrete and windows, crashing down upon the hot cement and screaming from the people placed upon the doomed surface.

Adeline's scared eyes dart around for the dark haired woman that had taken her on another of her endangered species explorations.

"Baby!" Ornella calls and Adeline screams for her mother.


The chocolate haired woman dashes between two falling buildings, hopping over the toppled rocks and ruins, wrapping her arms around Adeline as they make a run for the forest, the loud and fierce rumbles beneath the hot dirt streets.

Tears stream down Adeline's face as she holds her mother, Ornella tries to calm her daughter by stroking her hair softly, cooing soft things to her as he holds her.  

Adeline's green eyes look over the rubble of the ruined city, seeing the various limbs losing under heaps of building, panic wells in her stomach but she keeps it at bay by telling herself that the people were okay, they could claw their way out of they tried.

It wasn't until she saw the man with his face puffed, a blue-ish purple and the veins bulging, eyes rolled into the back of his head as he held onto something under the heap of concrete, as if trying to desperately pull it out.

"I wanna go home, mommy," She cries, just as a mother loud rumble and the sharp cries of the families followed by the patterns of scared footsteps follow.

Adeline lurches up in bed, coughing on air as she tries to catch her breath.

She wipes the sweat from her forehead as she tries to keep the tears at bay, dialling the number that when she first moved, she never thought she would need him so badly.

Across the town Jason doesn't hear his phone ring the first time, too deeply set in his dreams to hear the designated ringtone he's set for Adeline. With the second ring, Jason lazily reaches over to his phone with a groan, reading Addie's name, before sliding his thumb across the screen.

"Please tell me you don't need tampons, I'm just an innocent eyed teenage boy, but if you need them I'll get them because-"

He registers her strained breathing and sits up straighter, rubbing his eyes, "Ad? What's wrong."

"I-I known its t-two twenty three in the morning- a-and it's a lot t-to a-ask for- b-but c-could you c-come over—" She breaths voice cracking with every noise, "I p-p-promise I'll e-expl-lain, b-but I-I can't b-br-breath."

Jason is already sliding on his shoes and grabbing his keys as he jogs down the staircase, lettermans jacket over his shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm on my way, I'm there whenever you need me," He says, eyebrows furrowed with utter and complete concern, "Is the door open?"

"N-no, t-the key necklace I g-gave you W-Wednesday," Jason's Hand flies to the golden key laced around his neck, that he refuses to take off, "That's th-the k-key to m-my house."

"You gave me the key to your house? You trust me that much?" She doesn't answer and worry grows in his veins that she's blacked out, "Addie? Do you need me to keep talking?"

She shakes her head before realising he can't see her, "N-No, d-drive s-sa-safely."

He knows that is her equivalent  to "I love you, please be safe" and he knows, if his heart wasn't pounding for the wellbeing of Adeline he would be smiling and dancing around the Manor, but all he can think of is various scenarios that could've hurt her and he can't see to get out fast enough.

Ambition » Jason Blossom [1] #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now