Chapter nine: Stumbling.

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As they walk through the corridors of Riverdale, Adeline can tell that something is running through his mind by the way he stares of, books clutched in his hands.

As they sit in the last period of the day, the teacher announcing that the remaining few moments of class would be free, and Adeline turns to Jason, who silently gnaws on the end of his pencil, blue eyes vacant as he quietly broods to himself.

Adeline gently turns to him in the lab desks, her cold fingertips feathering over Jason bicep, making him jump in fear.

He looks at her with wide eyes, shoulders falling when she sees her sad and concerned expression, "Are you okay?"

He can't lie to her, not after everything she's told him about herself. She practically trusted him with her life, he couldn't shut her out when things got tough.

"It's been getting worse, my parents have made it their mission to destroy my little sister and I just have to sit and watch it. I can't keep watching my little sister but god knows what they'll do if I fight back. My father could shoot me for all I know."

"Your parents love you and your sister, Jason they might be cynical and clinics but—"

"I keep trying to protect her, but every time they practically threaten to destroy my life."

"I'm so sorry-"

Jason just shakes his head as the bell rings, bag thrown over his shoulder as he squeezes his eyes shut, practically running out of the room.

And maybe, he thinks, he could shut her off from him just like that. Just like that.

Adeline stares at the door for a moment, collecting herself as she feels a warm tear slip down her cheek. She gently wipes it, refusing to shed another as she slides her backpack over her shoulders, walking out of the school and into her car.

And as she reached home, she glances around her room, pulling out the sweatshirt that Jason had given her, and a pair of jeans, tugging on the clothes as she takes a deep breath, ready to try and make Jason smile once more. 

Though Jason was slightly unstable at the moment, he refused to let it show on the field as he threw the ball back and forth with ease, scoring seventeen of twenty four touch downs.

At the end, he'd seen Adeline smiling at him, cheering for the boy who's stolen her heart in a mere month and a half.

He hops on the bleachers, standing in front of her, and instead of being embraced in a sweaty hug as usual, or being graced with a delicate forehead, she's greeted only with a soft pour of Jason's lips as sagging shoulders.

"You were splendiferous," He wants to smile at such truly Adeline words, but he can barely find it in himself to stand upright, "Are we going to the tailgate at the market?"

Jason clutches his stomach, though it's more head that throbs as he glances Adeline in the eyes, watching as her smile falls, making him truly sick to his stomach.

"I feel ill," He mutters, "I think I'm just going to head home and try to sleep it off."

She nods, forcing a smile onto her lips, making him want to break down into tears, as she tucks a strand of hair behind her pierced ears, "Right, I'll see you Monday, let me know if you feel any better."

He nods, watching as she drives off, as Archie comes up from behind, patting Jason on the shoulder, giving him a short side-ways bro hug.

"Ready for the tailgate party of a lifetime?"

Ambition » Jason Blossom [1] #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now