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"Daddy," Lorenzo murmurs, looking up at his father with big blue eyes, "Why are we filling up squirt guns at seven in the morning?"

"Because were going to squirt mommy," Jason counters to his son.

"Why?" Massimo asks through his yawn.

"Because mommy woke me up with a nerf gun last week."

"You don't have to get her back, violence isn't the answer daddy," he says with a wild gesture, standing on the counter on his tip toes before grabbing his father's shoulder, shaking him lightly, "Make love not war!"

Oh boy, he does that plenty- he stops his thoughts, shaking his head with a chuckle.

"You're just like your mother, squirt."

He smiles, "Good, I like her."

Jason pouts, "Don't you like me?"

He nods enthusiastically, "I love you."

"Do you love mommy more?"

He hums and glances out the window making Jason laugh lightly, "It's okay, I love her too."

He giggles and Jason smiles ruffling his sons hair, as he hands Massimo his squirt gun.

"Okay boys, we have to be quiet now."

Massimo nods, pressing his fingers to his lips, as the two boys follow their father as he scales the stairs.

Jason pushes open the door a bit to find Adeline fast asleep on the bed, curled up into a small ball with deep breaths puffing out of her nose.

He pushes the door wider and the three boys creep in, taking post behind various objects in the room.

Over the years, Adeline had become an even lighter sleeper than ever. Days like today? The ones where she was down for the count were rare, and perfect for revenge.

Jason holds up three fingers to his boys, slowly counting down before whispering a sharp, "Go!"

The three boys shoot water at their mother and she bolts upright with a gasp.


Jason squeaks and grabs his sons in his arms, dashing down the staircase.

They giggle with joy as Adeline chases after them.

Jason throws open the front door and sets the boys in the grass, some neighbours in the surrounding houses having a breakfast on their veranda watching the new family to the neighbourhood with amused smiles.

"Maxie, did you drop the sq— that's a yes," Jason is suddenly soaked in water, fiery red locks turning a soft amber colour.

Adeline grins, at her husband and he glances down at his soaked cotton shirt, before glancing back up at her with a mischievous look, "Hug me."

"Jason William Blossom, I am warning you."

He steps closer opening his arms, "Adeline Estelle Blossom, I'm ignoring you."

She takes off and he catches her, wrapping her his his arms and she gasps at the feeling of ice cold water against her skin.

"You are so dead."

And then Jason darts behind his sons, picking them up, "Ah, can't get revenge on me, I'm holding your children."

"Daddy, how many times do we gotta tell you," Lorenzo states, "We are not your human shields."

"Your mother told you to say that, didn't she?"

Massimo nods, "When does she not."

"So," Adeline murmurs, glad in a pair of Jason's plaid pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt, "No toddlers running about, what are we to do with ourselves?"

"I'm not sure," Jason says softly, leaning his elbows on the table, "Let's brainstorm."

"We could have some fun?"

"What do you mean?"

"Something with blankets and pillows maybe?"

Jason swallows, "B-Build a pillow fort?"

"I was thinking something a little different."

"A-And w-what would t-that b-b-be?"

She hums, walking over to the stool that Jason sits at, pressing her palms to his cheeks, running her thumbs over his cheek bones.

"You tell me."

His blue eyes flicker down to her pink lips before slowly fluttering back up again.

"I uh, well this for one."

He leans in pressing his lips against hers, standing and gently pressing her back against the door frame.

Her fingers toy with the hem of her shirt- well technically his shirt, before slipping it off.

She runs her fingers through his red locks and he smiles against her lips, his fingers starting to toy with the claps of her bra.

And then, the door opens.

"You're unavailable, huh?" Cheryl murmurs, with an amused eye roll, "I should've known."

Adeline stumbles, throwing Jason's shirt back over her shoulder, hugging her petite waist as her face turns redder than Jason's hair.

"Adeline, how are you?"

Her voice squeaks, "I'd be better if my sister in law hadn't seen that."

Cheryl nods, "I'd be better too, that's a thing I never wanted to see."

Adeline squeaks and Jason laughs lightly at his wife's reaction.

"So, you couldn't come to dinner because of this?"

"I- uh, well-"

She rolls her eyes playfully, "Nah, I get it, JJ. Gabriel and I—"

Jason shakes his head, "I don't want to know."

She grins, laughing, "No dinner?"

He pouts, "I didn't know you were coming in town until after I promised Addie we could have an us night- I'm so sorry baby sister."

"No," Adeline pipes up, "It's okay, you two go catch up, you get to see me every day."

"Are you sure? Beautiful, it's okay if I don't."

Adeline shakes her head, "I uh, I'll work on being seductive."

"You're going to change into a pair of my sweatpants, a halter top, and fuzzy socks and soon as I walk out that door and clean this entire house aren't you?"

She snorts, "I'm not- how could you- I'm- I'm not that- for your information I'm- it's, yeah okay it's going to be so hot."

He chuckles, gently kissing her forehead, "I'll see you in a few hours."

She nods, "I love you."

He smiles back, "I love you more."

Ambition » Jason Blossom [1] #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now