B O N U S C H A P T E R 2

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"Okay, honey, you got it precious, put the blueberries on the pancakes."

"Dad, does Mom like cream or sugar? Ren can't remember either."

He turns to glance at his son, "Coconut creamer, top left corner of the fridge, Bud."

He nods, "On it."

Max appears behind them, snatching the can of whipped cream from Luciana's fingertips.

"Max, put it down, you'll make Lucy cry," Juliette pipes, glancing up from the flowers she arranges on the table for their mother.

Max glares at his little sister before begrudgingly setting down the the whipped cream can down before flipping off the thirteen year old.

She rolls her eyes sticking out her tongue.

"Ladies, Ladies, stop fighting."

Ren quirks an eyebrow, and Max takes one look at him before tackling him down the the floor.

Jason Blossom turns around, finding Lorenzo pinning Massimo to the ground, Juliet's face in her hands as she shakes her head silently, Long strawberry blonde locks draping over her shoulders.

"I'm not sure when I became the mature one, but I'm just saying- maybe you should keep them off the roads Dad. That's always an option."

Jason laughs at his daughter quietly, "Break 'em up."

She smiles devilishly, "On it."

She walks over to the two boys, pulling them apart before smacking the two upside the head.

She was taller than her mother by a substantial amount, standing seven inches above five feet.

That left just enough room between her brothers to smack them upside the heads when they were being idiots- which was majority of the time in her eyes.

She loved life.

"Dad! Are you just going to let Ju do that?"

He just chuckles, setting the blueberry pancakes on a wooden tray, coffee and water balanced besides as they go to walk upstairs.

Juliette holds the tray, Max and Ren balancing their present, the curly blonde headed girl in his arms.

She was the closest he'd gotten to seeing a baby Adeline other than pictures.

She was her mother, through and through.

The family creeps up the stairs, gently pushing open the door to the master bedroom.

Instead of up and walking around like she always had, she cuddled a pillow against her chest, sleeping in the middle of the king sized bed that Jason shares with his wife.

After all these years, he can feel himself falling even more in love with her every time he sees her

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After all these years, he can feel himself falling even more in love with her every time he sees her.

Even though he blonde curly locks were splayed about, eyes closed and the shirt she wore over her moon and star pyjama shorts ruffled up to just below her bra line to reveal her stomach- he still felt those little butterflies- always orange butterflies, after all, it was her favourite colour- flutter around in his stomach, "On three, loves."

Ambition » Jason Blossom [1] #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now