Chapter Twenty Six: Thunderstorms

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As Adeline tugs her fingers through her curls, wiping the tears from her cheeks, her phone blares in her room.

She murmurs profanities under her breath, quickly answering and bringing the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" Her voice is shaky but she hides it well.

"Hey, Addie..."

She stops, hearing Jason's voice crack, "Gorgeous, what's happened?"

A crack of thunder rips through the sky and she hears a sharp intake of breath, "I know it's late- or early I guess-"

"Jason, I'm here, I'm listening, are you okay?"

He gnaws on his bottom lip, "Please don't laugh-"

"I would never, Gorgeous."

"Could you come over? I'm sorry, know what-"

She quickly interrupts his ramble on self deprecation, "Do I only need to go twenty above the speed limit, or do you need me to go fifty above?"

He attempts to laugh but she can hear the pain, "Fifty it is."

She tugs on a pare of sweatpants over her panties and tugs down her yellow tank top, slipping on her shoes and jogging to her parents room.


Luca immediate sits up, seeing his daughter dressed, eyes sleepy, and cheeks ridden with tears, "Jason needs me, I'll be back tomorrow. Probably around twelve, okay?"

"Baby, I don't want you driving at one in the morning, especially not after you've just had a nightmare."

Jason doesn't catch the part about the nightmare, already starting to talk, "Adeline, you don't have to come if you don't want to, if you're tired I get that-"

Adeline quickly interjects, "You would do it for me, you have done it for me, multiple times Jason."

Adeline looks to her father, and he hesitantly nods, "Do you want me to drive you?"

She shakes her head, "I've got it."

He nods, "Be safe."

Adeline nods, before dashing down to the car and driving well over the town speed limit until she makes her way to the manor, jogging up, gently unlocking the door with the key Jason had attached to her key chain, before making her way up the stairs and into Jason's room. He sits on the bed legs curled up as he looks out the window.

A flash of thunder crackles before lightening illuminates the sky and she watches him flinch, curling up tighter.

She gently sets her bag on the floor, dropping her keys before walking towards Jason and sitting on the bed.

He turns frantically, jumping at the sudden movement.

Adeline can see the tears on his cheeks, the sweat coating his forehead, and at once he crashes into her arms, a sobbing mess as he tries to pull it together in front of the girl he loves, even though he knows she would never judge him.

They sit like that for a long time, Jason sobbing and Adeline comforting him until he manages to pull himself together before he reaches forewords, trying to tug on the shirt that he'd discarded before he'd fallen asleep.

Once he puts it on he just stares at her for a moment, his bottom lip quivering slightly.

And all she does, is wrap the gentle giant in her arms, holding him against her once more, head rested on her chest, running her fingers through his hair as he tries to calm down.

Ambition » Jason Blossom [1] #wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now