Chapter 21

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(A/n: so sorry I didn't update in a long time lmao honestly I kind of forgot about wattpad a bit xD, but this chapter is kind of.. I don't wanna spoil it, but it's not that bad. Just a pre warning I guess lol hope u like it ^-^)

Abby's POV

 "You what?!" I say confused and overwhelmed. 

 " I really want you to move back in with me sweetie, " She says while holding my hands. I remove my hands from hers quickly and look down.

 "Mom.. I can't- and I won't," I say apologetically. "Why not? Don't you miss me or your brother?" She says sadly. 

 " I do, but I  just can't handle all this drama between our family, " I say. " And that's why I want you back home. So we can fix things, " she says.

 "Mom, I don't know what you're trying to do, but me and you both know that's not going to happen, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave," I say sternly.

 " But you'll never know what could happen sweetie-" she starts, but I cut her off.

 "But nothing mom. You need to leave. Now!" I say impatiently. Then she slaps me.

 "Fine you stubborn bitch, but don't come crying to me if you and your little "boyfriend" breaks up, " she says angrily. I slam the door not even caring if anyone wakes up. I turn around and see Jace standing. Just waiting to be there for me.

I collapsed into his arms and started crying. I didn't want him there, but I also didn't want to be alone.

*Thinks* Why am I even still living in this broken and fucked up world? Maybe I should just.. not live anymore... 

*Thinks again* I can't do that to Jace! It would be Romeo and Juliet all over again. But what the hell am I supposed to do to make this madness end?

After a few moments of silence, Jace lifted my head up from his chest.

 "Are you going to be alright?" He asks. "Does it look like I'm alright Jace!?" I yell. 

 " I'm sorry I even asked.. " he says obviously hurt by the comment I just said. He starts to leave the room, but I stopped him.

 "Wait Jace, I'm sorry.." I say walking towards him. He hugs me. "All I was trying to do was be there for you. Whatever you go through, we go through it together," he says.

 " Okay, I'm going to go try to fall back asleep, " I say quietly. "Okay," he says walking back to his room.

 I go back to the room I share with Glory and see that's she's not there. She must have went to work early. I go straight to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.

Then I see scissors. 

I grab them, turn on the water, and put the scissors up close to my wrist.

*Thinks* Should I? But what if- 

My thoughts were cut off by the opening of the bathroom door. 

 "What the hell are you doing?" Says Jace. I quickly put the scissors down and say nothing.

 "Abby plleaasee don't tell me that you're try to.. hurt yourself," he says with sadness in his eyes.

 I still say nothing.

Then Jace starts to burst into tears, and my heart just drops. It's painful to see that I made Jace cry. It's hard to do that.

I go over and comfort him, but he shoves me away. "Abby.. please answer my question," he says.

 I try to talk but I can't make out the words. " I- I wasn't, but... " I say in a whisper while not finishing my sentence.

 "You were thinking about it?" He finishes for me.

 I started to cry not even believing that I was actually considering killing myself.

 "Oh my gosh, Jace I'm so sorry. I don't even know why I even thought of that or where those stupid thoughts even came from," I say walking back to my room. I sit on the bed and Jace sits next to me. I cuddle on his chest while he plays with my hair like we used to do. 

 "Abby, please promise me you won't try to do that. Ever," he says.

 " I promise I will never do that, and I'm so sorry I scared you, " I say. There was a few seconds of silence.

 "Oh and Abby?" He says while looking at me.

 " Yes? " I ask curiously.

 "Promise me you're done crying for today," he smiles.

 I smile back ," I promise. "

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