Chapter 23

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Abby's POV:

All I could think about was when how badly I got bullied back when I was in a public school. I thought I'd never have to deal with that again. I thought that I would never get physically bullied ever again.

But now it's going to happen all over again..

At the end of the day, everyone went their separate ways, except for me and Jace since I was riding home with him.

"Hey, you okay?" Jace asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I say knowing I'm lying.

I hate lying to him, but I just can't tell him what happened to me at my old school.

"Are you sureeee?" He asks playfully. We both laugh. "Yes, Jace, I'm fine," I say.

Every time I lie to him, I feel guilty, maybe I should tell him the truth..

"Jace.." I start. "Yes?" He asks.

"I... I call shotgun!" I laugh and run.

"No fair!" He says and runs to catch up with me.

I tried to tell him the truth, but I can't.. maybe I'll try again later.

We go to Jace's Mom's car and get in. I start thinking about a lot of weird and random things.

Then I start thinking about school. I force myself not to think about that and start thinking about driving soon. The only thing I'm looking forward to for school is the Driver's Ed class.

We arrive at Jace's house and I immediately go to his room, so he follows me.

"So, are you going to tell me what's really wrong with you?" He asks.

"There's nothing wrong, I told you that already," I say while folding my arms.

He walks over to his bed and motions me to sit next to him. I walk slowly towards him and sit down.

"Are you ready to tell me?" He asks.

"Can you just let this go?! I said it was nothing!" I say a little bit too angrily.

He is obviously offended. "Wow, just wow," he says and stands up.

"What?!" I ask.

"I try to be there for you, have a shoulder for you to cry on. I tell you everything and you don't even want to tell me anything that's going on in your life!" He yells.

"I do tell you things! I just want you to drop this," I say staring into his eyes.

"I'm your boyfriend Abby, how am I supposed to 'drop this'?! You mean a lot to me, honestly, but lately you've been stubborn and kept things to yourself! I really don't like this new Abby," he sighs.

"Well, if you don't like it, why don't you do something about it?!" I yell.

"What am I supposed to do?! It's your life! I'm just trying to help, but you keep pushing me away!"

There was complete silence after that. We've never fought like this before, and I was panicking more than ever.

"I'm not pushing you away!" I yell again.

What a stupid thing for me to say.

"You're not pushing me away? That's a complete lie. And now your lying to me. Anything else you want to tell me?!" He says obviously with anger.

"I- I can't deal with this right now," I say more quietly.

"Why do you want to drop this conversation like you wanted to 'drop' the other conversation?!" Jace yells.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to say! I can't do this right now," I say getting up.

Then Jace starts to get quiet.

"What are you trying to say? Are- are you saying that we need to break up?" He asks quietly with sadness in his eyes.

I couldn't bear to think of us breaking up, but I think it might help. Or won't.

So I say nothing at all.

He seems more sad then ever. "Is-is
that a yes or no?" He asks.

"I- I'm not sure, it will probably help me empty my head, but sooner or later it will make it worse," I say not even sure what I'm saying.

"So.. we, um, are breaking up?" He asks not even wanting to look.

"I... I think so," I say. While I say that, I feel like bursting into tears.

There's an awkward silence.

"Maybe I should crash at Riele's place tonight," I say getting up ready to leave the room.

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure," he says.

There's another awkward silence, so I just leave the room and go to the room I share with Glory. Good thing she's working.

I lay on the bed and burst into tears. Then I get up and start to pack my bags, and get prepared to go to Riele's.

I text Riele once I'm done.

Me: Hey, can I crash at your place tonight?

She responds immediately.

Riele: Of course! 😄 but why?

Me: um, I'll tell you when I get there

Riele: oh ok, when are you coming?

Me: is now a good time? I want to get out of here as fast as possible.

Riele: yeah now is fine. But why do you want to leave so fast? Aren't you at Jace's house?

Me: I'll uh tell you everything when I get there

Riele: alrighty 👍🏽

Since Riele's house isn't that far, I decide on wanting to walk there.

I grabbed all the stuff I needed and took a look around the room. Then I start thinking again.

What have I just done?! What the hell is wrong with me? I just lost the love of my life all because I can't work out my feelings.

I need fucking help.

(A/n: hola guys 😂 so guess what? I start hs on Wednesday (btw it's Friday) I'm kind of excited kinda not lol but anyway I'm so sorry I haven't updated and I'm going to make myself a promise to update every week or at least work on a chapter every week. 😂 help me keep that promise. But yeah, bet you can't wait until what happens next 😄 I'll update really soon. I love you all and don't forget to comment and vote for this story please 😂 love you guys 💞

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