Chapter 25

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Abby's POV:

I wake up on the floor to feel a blanket on me and a pillow under me.

Riele must have gotten it for me.

I get up and grab my phone. I see that I got 10 messages and 13 calls from Jace!

Jace: Hey um, you didn't come back home last night and I was wondering if you were okay...
Jace: Abby, are you coming back anytime soon?
Jace: Abby I'm really worried about you now 😔
Jace: are you avoiding me? I know we're technically not talking but please respond. My whole family is worried about you 😥
Jace: I know you might be mad at me, can you just call me or text me or something? Please?
Jace: Hello? Abby? This is Jace's mom, I don't know what's going on, but all Jace told me is that you went out for a walk and we are all really worried. Soon we will call the police to look for you :(
Jace: Just to let you know, I didn't tell my mom that we, you know, broke up so..
Jace: Abby please answer me
Jace: I have to admit, I miss you... I really need you to come back
Jace: I don't know if you're in trouble, or just ignoring me. So I'm going to stop bothering you, but my mom said if we don't hear from you soon we're calling the police to see if you're okay.

Wow... they're actually going to call the police. Or did they already call them?! I need to call Jace now.

I look through my contacts and find Jace's name then I call him. He answers it immediately.

"Abby?! Are you okay?!" He asks eagerly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Did your mom call the police?" I ask.

"No, she was about to though," he says. "Oh, okay," I say not knowing what else to say to him.

Everything seems so weird around him, he would usually be the one I always rant to about my problems, but I can't even do that anymore.

"Uh, well I should go," I say getting ready to hang up. "Wait!" He stops me.


"Are you staying somewhere, or just, uh, walking around?" He asks.

I was about to tell him that I was at Riele's house, but then I hesitated. What will happen if I told him where I was staying? Would him or his mom come and get me? Will they make me go back to his house?

"I'm staying at someone's house," I say not mentioning Riele, who is currently sleeping.

"What did you say mom?!... Okay.. My mom wants to know who's house you're at," he says.

At first I don't believe him, then I hear his mom's voice and feel bad for thinking that he lied. Unlike me, who lies to everyone and looses the closest ones.

"Um, I'm at Riele's," I say. "Okay, we're coming to get you," he says.

"No wait! Don't, I just need some time awa-" I get cut off by the phone hanging up on me. Jace must've couldn't hear me.

Now him, Glory and his mom are coming to get me when all I wanted to do was get away.


Jace's POV:

I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket. I feel like she tried to tell me something before I hung up, but it doesn't matter anymore. All I want to do is to see Abby.

We all get in the car and start driving to Riele's house.

"So, my sweet children, I have some news to tell you," my mom says happily.

"What is it?" Me and Glory ask at the same time.

"Okay.. are you guys ready?" She asks excitedly.

"Yes!" Me and Glory say at the same time again.

"Well.. you're father is coming home in two weeks!" She says even more excitedly.

"Oh my gosh! Really?!" Glory yells.

"Yes, Glory. Now can you not scream in my ear please?" My mom says. Glory giggles. "Sorry," she says.

"Wow, I'm speechless," I say. Then I think of a question. "How long is he staying?" I ask.

"For about two weeks, maybe three if he gets lucky," mom says.

My mom and Glory continue to talk about my dad coming home soon. My mind travels into its own little world. I start thinking about anything and everything.

I can't wait for my dad to come home! Oh wow, I haven't talked to him in a long time, but that's because he's been so busy. I haven't even told him that me and Abby are dating.. well, were dating... I really miss her..

We finally arrive at Riele's house. My mom decided I should go get Abby since we're 'dating', but she still doesn't know.

I go up to Riele's front door and ring the doorbell. Riele answers the door with her pajamas still on.

"Oh hey Jace, what are you doing here?" She asks while yawning.

"Is Abby here? We were looking for her," I tell her.

"Abby just left. She told me that she was walking back to your house," Riele explains.

"We would've saw her coming this way," I say in frustration. "Do you have any idea where she could've gone?" I ask Riele.

"I'm sorry. I don't have a clue," Riele tells me. "Okay, thanks anyway," I start walking back to the car.

"So where's Abby?" My mom asks.

"I don't know, she ran off right when we came here and Riele has no idea where she went," I explain.

"Should we call the police?" Glory asks.

"No! Don't.. well not yet. It might scare her away even farther," I tell them.

It saddens me to know that Abby ran away. Is it my fault? Maybe I should just leave her alone.

Glory notices that I'm getting sadder and sadder by the minute. Glory whispers to me: "Don't worry, we'll find her,"

I really hope we do.

(A/n: did you see that I changed the book cover? Lol 😂 Hope you liked this chapter! 😊 bye pumpkins💕❤️)

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