05 | sabaism

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the worship of stars


It was raining that day. The room was grey because of the corpse-like colored sky and the cheap perfume radiating a black eminent tone of remorse.

The rain pelted hard, the ground started to become muddy and the window glass became blurry as the rain hurled.

My friend, on the other hand, was listening to songs to remind her from her late friend, who died from suicide, without knowing the death glare consequences.

It reminded her of her late friend.

It reminded me of my own.

Songs were used to convey a feeling, express an opinion, view, or emotion. Succinct over the fact that it could also be a reminder of the places you used to be on your past.

Well, it reminded me of him.

He loved rain the most—the drops, the people running around with umbrellas and suitcases above them;or just what would eventually on that moment. He loved moisted windows, the dark sky, and most especially, me.

But of course, at some time, the rain will stop and sooner or later, the people will come and go, sorting out themselves between the crowd, finding their way home.

after all, he went too.

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