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"So who is this Calum guy?" Claire asked, her eyes sparkling with curiousity.

"He's a friend." I stated simply while re-reading the same paragraph for the fifth time. I was trying to do my history homework, but Claire was distracting me with questions about Calum.

"Well, he's a very attractive friend and I say that you should get yourself some of that!"

"Oh please I haven't even known him for that long."

"But you have to admit he is good looking." She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Uh huh sure." I was trying so hard to obtain the information from my textbook, so her talking was going in one ear and out the other.

"Hey Tay?" Ashton knocked at my door, slowly stepping inside my room.

I rasied my eyes from the textbook to meet his glance, "Yeah Ash?"

"Your mom just got a call from Luke's mom. She was wondering if you knew where he was."

"Why would I know where he is?"

"She said that he left the house like three hours ago and hasn't come back..." He trailed off and played with the hem of his shirt nervously.

"Did she try calling Ella? He's probably hanging out with her or something." I returned my attention back to my textbook.

"That's just it Tay. She did call Ella and she has no idea where he is."

I looked over to the clock on my nightstand and the bright red numbers displayed 8:45. If Luke wasn't with Ella, I'm sure he just went to a friend's house or something. I don't see the need to worry.

Before I could ask another question Ashton continued, "Apparently they had some massive fight earlier and he just stormed off. She thought that he might've come here."

"Wait, they had a fight?" I pondered the many different places that Luke would go after arguing with his mom, and then it hit me like a bus.

"I know where he is." I hopped off my bed and grabbed my shoes and jacket.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Claire asked.

"No, I think I should go alone." I slipped on my converses and black hoodie, and started down the stairs. "Mom, I think I know where Luke is and I'm going to go find him."

"Ok sweetie. Be careful." My mom warned.


There is a slight chance that I could be wrong, but whenever Luke had a huge fight with his mom he would only go to one place.

I slowly made my way through the trees, and pulled my arms around my body to try and stay warm. The fallen leaves were crunching beneath my feet and the brisk wind was chilling me to the bone.

He better be here.

I thought to myself as I approached the opening to the field.

My thoughts were proved correct when I saw the familiar blonde haired boy hunched over near the tracks. I slowly approached him just in case he was in a bad mood. I didn't want him to lash out at me for coming here.

Once I got near him, I could see that he had his knees pulled into his chest and he was slowly rocking back and forth. He was probably freezing because he had no jacket covering his bare arms.

"Luke?" I asked, my breath clearly visible in the cold air.

"What are you doing here?" His voice cracked and I could tell that he had been or was still crying.

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