t w e n t y - n i n e

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Don't ask me why, but for some stupid reason I decide to keep kissing Luke instead of pushing him away immediately. Our lips are moving perfectly in sync and it takes me a minute or two to realize what's happening, and I suddenly pull away, placing my hands on Luke's chest.

I bite my lip really hard as I direct my attention to the leather couch cushion, once again not wanting to meet Luke's gaze. To my dismay, he takes the opportunity to lift my chin very slowly. Once I catch a glance of his face, I see a small smile and bright blue eyes.

I'm at a complete loss for words, and apparently so is he, so I pick up the guitar pick once again and rub it in between my thumb and forefinger. I trace over the L.R.H. multiple times as if it's the most fascinating thing in the world. At the moment, it pretty much is because I still can't get over the fact that he still wears it, even after all this time.

As I continue my hard stare at the piece of metal, I hear Luke's voice come out as a faint whisper.

"Tay, please say something."

I press my thumb into the letters somehow trying to imprint them into my finger as I take in his plea. Say something. Come on Taylor, say something.

"Hi," I squeak out. I drop the necklace and cover my mouth instantly, slightly embarassed at the high pitched noise that just fell out of my mouth.

"Is that all you got?" He chuckles.

I remove my hands from my mouth and take a deep breath before asking the question that's tapping at the back of my mind. "Why did you kiss me?"

Now it's his turn to focus his attention on the fascinating couch cushion. He starts picking at a loose string on his jeans as he manages to say, "I dont know."

"Luke," I groan, pulling his chin up just as he did mine mere minutes ago. "That's not a legit reason. You can't just kiss me out of nowhere. Not when you have a girlfriend and I have a boy-"

"I wanted to. Okay?" He cut me off before I could finish, and he stood abruptly from the couch, pulling his hair in between his fingers.

"Well, you can't always get what you want." I remained sitting on the couch as he begins to pace back and forth.

"I just did, didn't I? You clearly kissed me back."

"Because I didn't know what I was doing," I counter, now removing myself from the couch.

"Admit it." He stopped pacing and turned around to face me. Our faces barely a foot apart from one another. "You wanted to kiss me too."

His stare was hard and not wavering and his lips were pursed tightly. He seemed very serious about this and it's making me wonder what his motive is here. Is this some kind of sick joke and he's just messing with me, or is he being serious and still has feelings for me?

"You don't know that."

"That's why I'm asking."

His stare is literally burning into me and this moment is becoming to intense for me to handle. All of a sudden I feel as if the heat has been turned on because I'm sweating.

A couple of months ago I would've loved to have this moment and hear these words coming from his mouth. That was the time when I still wasn't over him and still wanted him. That was before Calum.

But now is not the time for this. I don't want to have this moment and I certainly don't want to hear these words. I'm with Calum now and I'm happy. I'm not going to let Luke mess this up for me.

"I admit I was caught in the moment, but no I didn't want to kiss you," I admit.

"Oh really?" He crosses his arms defensively, and I scoff at his attitude.

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