t w e n t y - t w o

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Even though I was extremely irritated from my conversation with Luke, I still had the decency to be quiet as I came into the house. My mother should be asleep by now, so I gently open and close the front door and cautiously make my way up the stairs.

Once I'm inside of my room and close the door just as softly as the front door, I turn around and nearly have a heart attack. I cover my mouth to keep from screaming out loud.

"Ashton?!" I whisper in a scream like tone. He was just casually laying on my bed with his hands behind his head.

He lifts himself so that he is now resting on his elbows as he begins to interrogate me, "Where have you been young lady?"

"Oh, please," I scoff as I make my way over to my dresser to pull out some pajamas.

"I'm serious, Tay. Where have you been?" He repeated.

I stopped muddling through my drawers to answer him, "I was just talking to Luke. It's no big deal, Ash."

"No big deal?" He asked, completely lifting himself off of the bed and walking over towards me.

He was now standing next to me and because of the major height difference I could tell he was looking down on me; both literally and metaphorically.

I grabbed a pair of black polka dotted pajama bottoms and Calum's jacket as I made my way over to my bathroom. Ashton and I have been friends for quite some time but I wasn't in the mood to get changed in front of him.

Just as I was about to close the door, Ashton stuck his hand in between preventing me from closing it completely.

"Ash...," I groaned, trying to shove the door closed even though his hand was there.

"Ow, that hurts," He whined.

"Then move your hand, so I can get changed in peace."

He sighed and reluctantly removed his hand from the door allowing me to finally slam it shut. As I was getting changed I could hear him begin to hum to himself as he patiently waited for me to finish.

I took my sweet time changing out of my uncomfortable skinny jeans and into the plush pajama bottoms. I slipped on Cal's black All Time Low zip up hoodie, put my hair up into a bun, and removed my make up before venturing out of the bathroom.

I came out to find Ash laying on the floor pretending to be asleep. I walked over to him and gently kicked him in the side saying, "I didn't take that long."

With his eyes still shut he replied, "Clearly your definition of 'that long' is much different than mine."


I grabbed my phone out of my bag before I took a seat on my bed. I sat cross-legged as I unlocked it to see if I had any new messages. At the moment, I had nothing new; messages or missed calls.

I returned my attention to Ashton as I felt my bed dip down due to his added weight. He mimicked my position with the addition of crossing his arms. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow, apparently expecting me to start speaking up.

Since I felt there was nothing to talk about, I remained silent as I looked back down to my phone. Thanks to the lack of new messages, I decided to open up Instagram to keep me entertained.

As I scrolled through numerous pictures of various foods and beautiful sunsets, Ashton cleared his throat. I kept my eyes glued to my screen. He cleared his throat again.

"Come on! I'm not going to let this slide," He began.

I made no effort to let him know I heard what he said.

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