t w e n t y - f o u r

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"Hello?" I ask, answering my cell phone at seven in the morning.

"TAYLOR! OH MY GOSH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? I'VE BEEN CALLING ALL NIGHT!" Claire screamed through the receiver, causing me to pull the phone away from my ear.

"What and who is that?" Calum groaned, turning over to face me. Claire's obnoxious screaming must've been loud enough to wake him up from his beauty sleep.

I held up a finger to silence him as I calmly reply back to Claire, "What happened?"

"WELL, I'M FREAKING OUT BECAUSE MY BEST FRIEND WOULDN'T ANSWER HER DAMN PHONE...," She began, still screaming at the same loud level.

"Claire, if you want this phone call to continue, I suggest you stop screaming in my ear. Seriously it's too early for that," I suggested, slowly sitting up so that I could fully wake up.

She took a deep breath before continuing her rant, "Okay, well where do I even begin? Oh, how about we start with the fact that I caught Jake cheating on me last night."

I widened my eyes at what she just told me. "Jake cheated on you?"

Calum groaned before flipping over to his other side to attempt falling back asleep. He must assume that this is pointless girl drama, and he has no part in it.

"Uh huh, yep he sure did. Stupid asshole," She complained, serious anger evident in her tone.

"I definitely want to hear the entire story, but I'm afraid that I might fall back asleep if we discuss it now...," I trailed off, trying my best to stifle a yawn that was threatening to pour out.

"Well, get your ass out of bed and come over so we can discuss it."

I look over to the clock and mentally groan to myself. "Alright fine. I'll be over in like a half hour."

"Hurry," She said.

I hung up the phone and placed it back on my nightstand before laying back down next to Calum. His back was still to me, so I wrapped my arms around his bare back and squeezed him tight. I thought that he might've actually fell back asleep, but once he grabbed ahold of my hands I knew he was awake.

"I have to go see Claire," I breathed into his neck.

With my face in his neck, he gently turned his head to face me saying, "I don't want you to leave."

"I know, but she really needs me right now."

"I have an idea," He exclaims, quickly turning over to face me. He undid our hands in the process, but swiftly gathered them together again.

"And what would this magnificent idea involve?" I teased, brushing his hair off of his forehead.

"I'll come with you," He said, brown eyes sparkling with excitement. He was so cute in the morning.

"That's sweet of you, Cal, but won't you be bored?"

He pursed his lips together and knit his eyebrows together as he thought hard about his answer, "Ooh! I'll ask Mikey to come along too!"

I hesitated for a moment as I thought it over. I'm not entirely sure if Claire would be alright with Cal coming let alone Cal and Michael. Now that I think about it I've only actually met Michael once, so I don't know if I'm okay with him coming either.

"I don't know...," I trailed off.

"Come on! You guys can talk about your girly stuff, and Mikey and I can just be there for moral support or whatever. Maybe we can even go out for lunch or something afterwards."

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