t h i r t e e n

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In my defense, I was totally against playing truth or dare, but Calum was totally for it. Therefore, I was literally dragged all the way from the backyard into the living room.

I attempted to protest and even kick and scream the entire way. That is until Calum stopped dead in his tracks, and offered to take me for ice cream after the party if I obliged. He's lucky I'm a sucker for the delicious frozen treat.

So, here we are all sat around in a giant circle in the middle of Brad's living room. Obviously not everyone at this party was sat around to play, but there was a decent amount of people. We looked like a bunch of pre-schoolers waiting for the teacher to read us a story; cross-legged and expectant facial expressions waiting for what comes next.

"Alright there are two simple rules to this lovely game of truth or dare," Chad, who is a close friend of Brad's started, "No sissy shit and no turning down a dare. I don't care how embarassing it is; you get the dare then you better go through with it."

I took a deep gulp at Chad's second rule because I've always been one to turn down dares that I didn't want to do. I don't care whether I'm getting ice cream or not, I am so going to hurt Calum for dragging me into this stupid game.

"Sarah you start." Chad pointed to a snobby blonde that was sitting next to Calum. Her hair looked as though it had been dyed one too many times, and she looked as though she had just gotten out of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory; that's how orange she was.

"Hm," She rubbed her chin as if she was thinking very deeply about this, "I dare Chad to lick jello off of Stacey's stomach."

Chad immediately took on his dare by hopping off of the floor and running over to grab a shot of jello off of the pool table. He came rushing back to find Stacey already lying on the floor with her shirt rolled up. He poured the jello onto her stomach and licked it straigtht off.

What in the world am I going to do if somebody is dared to lick jello off of my stomach?

I turned to look at Calum and made a horrified expression at him while mentally cursing him for making me play. He shrugged his shoulders innocently in response.

A few more stupid dares were thrown around with one truth in the mix of it all. The dares ranged from making out with strangers to taking multiple shots. Luckily, nothing too extreme had been said yet. Yet.

After Sarah had dared Chad, Jake and Claire decided to come and join the game. Claire sat across from me while Jake sat diagonal from me. Just as Jake was about to give a dare to some random red head, I noticed two figures walk in the front door.

Jake caught a glance of them and turned his expression to me which involved an evil smirk and raised eyebrows.

"I dare Taylor," He began. Oh shit what is he going to do?

I looked back to who had just walked in and noticed they stopped at the sight of the truth or dare circle. He looked amused at what was going on and she looked as though she wanted to be anywheres but here.

I returned my attention to Jake to hear what he had to say, "to kiss Calum."

Before I could even think about looking towards Calum, I turned to face the two that had decided to be spectators. Both of their facial expressions have changed since entering the house; her eyes were widened in shock and his were widened in anger.

All of a sudden I felt a sense of hot breath tickling at my neck, "We don't have to if you don't want to."

I slowly turned my head to face the person in which the breath had escaped. He had an innocent look in his demeanor, and I knew that he wouldn't pressure me into doing this.

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