t w e n t y - f i v e

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After Claire finished her rant about the whole Jake incident at Tommy's party, the four of us decided to go out for lunch. Our intention was to go to the amazingly wonderful Chick-fil-a, but unfortunately we forgot that today was in fact a Sunday; which only means no Chick-fil-a to fill our nearly empty stomachs.

Through our huffing and puffing about our bad luck, we finally decided to go to Mickey D's instead. Not as good as Chick-fil-a but it would have to do for now.

"I'm so stuffed," I whined as I patted my newly developed food baby.

"Me too," Calum and Claire managed to say at the same time.

Michael on the other hand was still going hard at his chicken mcnuggets. He had gotten one round of twenty, and ended up going up for another because he was still hungry. I stared at him in astonishment.

"How much food can one boy hold?" I questioned, wide eyed at the boy in front of me stuffing his face.

"I like a boy with an appetite," Claire said, quite flirtatiously while nudging Mikey's arm.

Michael took a break from his food to look up at Claire, who was smiling widely at him. He took a moment to swallow what he was currently eating before smiling back at her.

"I'm calling it," Calum whispered in my ear as he leaned close to me, so the other two wouldn't hear.

"Calling what?"

"They're totally gonna be a couple," He said.

I looked at him with my eyebrow raised and then looked back to Claire and Michael. They were still looking at each other, not saying a word.

"How about we make this a little more interesting?"

"Interesting how?"

"I bet you 20 bucks they'll be together by the end of the month," I challenged.

"Pssht," He scoffed. "I bet you 20 bucks they'll be together by the end of the week."

"Deal." We shook on it before returning our attention back to the lovebirds.

"Are ya finished Mikey? Cause I got places to be and people to see," Calum teased.

Michael finally broke his gaze from Claire's and cleared his throat dramatically before speaking up. "Uh, yeah I'm stuffed anyways."

He pushed the tray of remaining food away from him as he made a loud groaning noise. We got up to throw away our trash and head out when we saw two familiar faces.

I ignored their entrance into the restaurant by continuing my path straight to the trashcan. Calum was close behind me while Claire and Mikey were still stood at the booth.

"Fancy seeing you here," Ella chirped, somehow still as perky as ever.

"Yeah, small world," Calum muttered under his breath.

I continued to ignore them as I brushed the food off of the tray and into the trashcan. I placed my tray along with the rest of the stack, and made my way towards the door.

"Aren't you going to say hello?" Luke stepped in front of me, blocking my way out.

"Goodbye, Luke," I sighed as I pushed past him and out the door.

As the door swung shut, I overheard Luke say something to Calum. "Might wanna control your moody girlfriend, mate."

I stomped my way over to the car and waited patiently for the other three to make their way out of the restaurant. The minutes ticked by one by one; once five minutes had passed I made my way back inside.

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