t h i r t y

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"I don't want you to leave," I whine, pouting at Ashton who is packing his bags on the bed in front of me.

I'm sat cross-legged as I watch him stuff all of his clothes messily into his suitcase. He doesn't even bother folding them neatly which kind of gets on my nerves; I may or may not be a total neat freak.

"I know, but I had to leave sooner or later," He retorts.

I stick my tongue out at him as he struggles to zip the now stuffed bag closed. After about a minute or two of struggling, I finally offer to help him in his time of need.

"Do you want me to sit on it?" I offer, shifting onto my knees.

He looks at me questioningly before agreeing to my silly suggestion. With a nod of his head, I quickly scurry over and sit myself on top of it. The addition of my weight allows Ashton to easily zip the bag shut in one swift movement. I smile wide at him and then hop to the floor, standing face to face with him.

He looks down at me and his brown curls fall into his eyes, causing him to push them up and out of the way. A natural habit of his that I've come to know very, very well. Sometimes I'd do the honor myself and push them out of his hazel eyes, but he beat me to it this time.

"You could always stay for a couple more days, you know?" I say hopefully, raising my eyebrows.

He chuckles slightly, grabbing ahold of my hands in his as he denies my suggestion, ultimately crushing my hopes and dreams. I don't let the opportunity pass of telling him this, but he just chuckles again in response.

"Don't worry Taylor. I'll be back soon."

"How soon is soon?"

"How about Thanksgiving soon?" He smirks.

Wait a minute. Thanksgiving is only two weeks away. Which means he'll be back here two weeks from today. I jump up and down from ultimate excitement and hug him tightly as I screech like the total girl that I am.

"You're coming for Thanksgiving?" I mumble into his chest. He rubs my back soothingly and then squeezes me tightly.

As we pull away, I take a moment to look into his eyes and then look at the contagious smile that's plastered onto his face. The one thing I truly love about him is that he's always happy and his happiness can rub off on anybody, no matter who you are or what you're going through. I reflect his smile before allowing him to finish packing his last minute things.

He walks into the bathroom to grab his toiletries and I start to pick at the comforter as I wait for him to return. When he walks back out he has a strange look on his face. He carefully sets his stuff onto the bed and continues to look at me. I raise my eyebrow suspiciously at his strange behavior, and ask what's happened. He was only in the bathroom for like five minutes. What could have happened in that short amount of time?

Without any form of words, he turns his phone to show me something on Facebook. It seems to be some sort of status from one of his friends, but as I look closely I recognize the name; Ella Grace.

Ella Grace has gone from being in a relationship to single.

I snatch the phone from his hands and click onto her profile. Not only has her relationship status changed, but her profile picture has changed from a picture of her and Luke to a picture of her and a friend. As I scroll through the most recent posts, I find a couple from some snotty friends of hers.

Samantha Evers: Cheer up babe! We'll go out for a girls night. You don't need him anyways. xx

Amber Laughlin: I heard what happened. Such a waste. :p

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