t w e n t y - s i x

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Who knew that a simple lunch at McDonald's could end up causing so much drama and pain? I certainly didn't that's for sure.

I wanted to believe that Calum is truly a good guy and that he wasn't just using me. I wanted to believe that Luke was just making the whole thing up. Unfortunately, both of these beliefs have crumbled to shreds today, and I have been exposed to new ones.

"Hey Taylor," Ashton softly said as he knocked on my bedroom door. I came straight home from Calum's house and sulked all the way up to my room; where I was now engulfed in blankets and pillows.

"Yeah Ash?" I croaked, partially because I had let out gentle sobs ever since I set foot in my house.

He pushed my door open and came swiftly over to my bed, sitting down on the edge of it. "Are you alright?"

"Mhm," I lied, hoping he couldn't see that I was truly a total wreck right now. He looked as though he didn't believe me, but decided to go along with it for now.

"Alright. Well, if you need anything just let me know. I'll be right in my room," He said, pointing towards my door as if I didn't know where his room was located.

I let out a small chuckle as I nodded my head to let him know I understood. He got up from the bed and left a soft kiss on my forehead before walking away.

As he closed my door, part of me wished he would've pestered me about my predicament, but part of me is glad he didn't.

I rolled over on my side as I let out a loud sigh, constantly thinking about how the day went from so good to so bad. Just this morning I woke up next to the boy I was falling harder for each and everyday, and now I'm contemplating whether I should continue to fall. It's as if I'm fighting a battle within myself. My mind is telling me that this is stupid and I should give him a chance to explain himself, but my heart is forbidding me from causing any more pain.

Considering my past with relationships, nothing ever works out in my favor and maybe it would be better if I give myself a break for once. Maybe it would be better if I take time to think all of this over.

I could feel my eyes getting heavier as I continued to think about the predicament and slowly but surely fell asleep to the sound of a light drizzle against my window.


I awoke to the feeling of something soft and cold against my face. As I opened my eyes, I noticed that my mom was sat at the edge of my bed with her hand pressed to my forehead. I flinched away from her subtle touch causing her to begin her interrogation for the day.

"Sweetie, are you alright? You're not sick, are you?" She slightly adjusted herself on the bed as I began to sit up straight.

"No, Mom I'm not sick," I groaned, rubbing the sleepiness away from my eyes. I glanced over to the clock to see it was now 5:34 p.m. I had been asleep for over three hours.

"It's not like you to take a long nap like this in the middle of the afternoon," She said, grabbing ahold of my chin and turning my face towards her. "Have you been crying?"

I pulled away from her grasp and quickly got out of bed to walk over to my bathroom. As I stepped inside and glanced in the mirror I could see dry tear streaks lining my cheeks. I cursed under my breath as I ran my hands under warm water and began rubbing my cheeks furiously, trying to rid of the stains.

"Taylor, what is going on?" She demanded, now standing at the door frame.

I groaned as I turned off the water. "Mom, please just leave me be. I promise nothing is wrong."


"Mom! Please just go." My voice failed me by cracking in the middle of my statement. Of course this caused her to widen her eyes at me, but I closed the door before she could start any further questioning.

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