t w e n t y - s e v e n

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"I had began to lose hope, but then I met you." I returned my attention to his face as he said, "Nobody makes me feel the way that you do."

A cage full of butterflies erupted in my stomach as those words fell from Calum's lips. Of course, I knew that our feelings were mutual for each other - I mean we are dating - but, it's a different story to know nobody has made him feel the way I do. To know that not even Ella has made him feel this way is a huge weight off of my shoulders.

It made me realize that my situation is the exact same as his; nobody has made me feel how Calum does. Not even Luke. Which is crazy because Luke and I were together a hell of a lot longer than Calum and I. The thought never crossed my mind before but now that it's been said out loud I can't help but agree.

"Nobody makes me feel the way that you do," I softly repeated, emphasizing the word 'you' to let him know I feel the exact same way.

His eyes widened at my revelation as if he didn't expect me to share the same feeling.

"Really?" He questioned, gently rubbing small circles into my thighs.

"Really," I confirmed, breaking out into a small smile causing him to do the same.

He moved his hands from my thighs to around my waist, and rested them on the small of my back. As he slowly pulled me closer to him, I rested my arms around his neck and leaned towards him. Since I was sitting upon the railing, I was able to be eye level with him - something that I can never do because of our height difference.

He waited a moment as he stared into my eyes before finally leaning in and pressing his lips to mine. The butterflies went wild and I tigthened my grip, pulling him as close to me as I possibly could. I attempted to tease him a bit by denying him entrance, but at the sound of my neighbor's dog barking I gasped out of shock, unintentionally allowing him to deepen the kiss.

Our lips were moving perfectly in sync and as I shifted my hands from his neck and into his hair, he let out a small moan. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss and continued to mess with his hair, slightly tugging at it provoking another moan.

He finally pulled away to allow us to catch a breath. I twirled the ends of his hair in between my fingers as he just stood there staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're beautiful, you know that?"

I blushed at his compliment and bit my lip in response to being called beautiful. I haven't heard it that often; only a couple of times from my parents and once or twice from Luke. Even with those instances of hearing it, I never truly believed them. I've always had self-esteem issues and I always manage to pick out every flaw whenever I look in the mirror.

I looked away from his intense stare and focused on looking at my fuzzy slippers that have become much more fascinating.

"Hey," He cooed, lifting my chin up to face him. "You are beautiful."

"Cal-" I attempted to protest, but he put his finger to my lip shushing me.

"You are-" He got cut off as well, but not by me. His phone started ringing and he stopped in order to answer it.

"Hello?....I'm just at Taylor's.....Yes, I do know....Okay, I'll be right there," He muttered to the person on the other line. I sat patiently waiting for him to finish.

Once he hung up the phone, I raised my eyebrow as if to ask who was calling.

"It was just my mom. I gotta get home."

"Oh okay," I said, pushing a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"I'll see you tomorrow," He said, placing a soft kiss on my lips. "Bye, beautiful." He winked and then he was gone.

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