Young Erik Lensherr- Fluff

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A/N this is partly for marvel_girl3. Key word there is partly. She did not request this but I feel like it sort of goes with the story that we are writing on our shared account, Booperdooper666. ❤️ you Myra!
Your POV
"Hey Erik." I say as he walks into the library of the mansion. "Hello." He replies as he takes a seat next to me and drapes his arm around my shoulders. "What are you reading?" He asked. I tilted the cover of the book to face him as I kept reading, causing him to chuckle. "What?" I asked him with a smile on my lips. "You're so cute when you read, Y/N." He said as he pressed a kiss to my temple. I blushed and continued reading. Not to long after that, Charles came into the room and Erik got up and left. I pretended like it didn't bother me as I barely looked up from my book, but I secretly hoped he would come back to sit with me again. He of course didn't, and I was left to finish my book by myself.

  A couple hours later, I neared the end of my book. Sighing, I closed it and put it down, deciding that I should stop reading for today. I got changed and grabbed another book, breaking my own promise to myself from earlier. I was probably reading for two to three hours before my door opened and Erik walked in. He looked at the book in my hands and chuckled, walking over to me and grabbing it out of my hands. "You're supposed to be asleep love. Not sitting on your bed and reading. Again." He remarked, placing the book on my desk. "But I want to read!" I replied with a fake frown on my face, my arms crossing over my chest. That only made him smile and walk up to me, gently taking my arms and uncrossing them. "That, my dear, is your problem. You read to much." He said, placing my arms at my sides. "Can't blame a girl for reading." I murmured. He laughed and told me to go to bed. "Can you stay with me tonight? To make up for the time when you left me to read my book by myself." I quickly explained, blushing. He just laughed more and nodded, laying down with me and pulling me into a tight hug. "I'll never leave you Y/N." He mumbles into my hair. I smiled. "I know. But it's still rude to let me read almost all of my book by myself. I rather enjoy leaning on you when I read." I reply, my smile growing. "You really do love those books don't you?" He asked with a chuckle. I sat up slightly, my arm leaning on the bed to keep me from falling over. "Are you judging my love of books Mr. Lensherr?" I asked with a playful smile. "Now why would I do that?" He responded, grabbing my waist and pulling me back into a hug.

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