Bobby Drake- Reunion (Requested)

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Prompt: Edna and Bobby are exes. When they reunite to fight the sentinels, they are reminded of their love for one another. However, because of the war, they know that their time together is limited, so they tell each other that in the new future set into place by Logan, they will try their relationship one more time.

Edna's POV

As the ship landed in front of the old Chinese temple, I watched as the ramp lowered, revealing the mutants that waited for us. Colossus and Blink smiled as they saw me, but they quickly turned their attention to the Professor, who was lowering himself to the ground. I looked around at the other mutants present, seeing Bishop, Warpath, and Kitty before my eyes landed on him. Bobby Drake, my ex-flame who left me for Kitty. I wish I could say that I was mad, but I found it hard to hate him. After all, I was the one who broke up with him.

"Galactica." He said as I neared him. He had a hint of longing in his voice like... is it possible he missed me? No. He left as soon as he had the chance.

"Iceman," I said, trying to keep my voice steady as I walked past him, following the others into the temple.

As Kitty explained how her powers work, Bobby started to move closer to me. I did my best to avoid looking at him, folding my arms and looking down, trying to focus on what she was saying. As much as I disliked her relationship with Bobby, I actually liked Kitty. She always knew what to do on and off the battlefield, and she never used their relationship against me.

"Bobby, can we do this later?" I silently ask him, using my telepathy for the first time in a while. He bowed his head as a response, turning and walking over to Kitty.

"So, she sends Bishop back in time?" Wolverine asks. The professor shook his head, looking up at him.

"No, just his consciousness. She projects it into his younger body."


"This might just work, Charles," Magneto says to his friend. He looks at me as if I would be able to put the pieces together.

Before I could try and figure out what theyre talking about, Kitty speaks up. "What might work?" She asks, speaking her confusion for everyone.

The professor- Charles, sighed, looking at the mutants before him. "The sentinal program was originally conceived by Dr. Bolivar Trask. In the early 70s he was one of the worlds leading weapons designers, but covertly, he had begun experimenting on mutants, using their gifts to fuel his own research." He paused for a second as if he was trying to keep his voice steady for what he was about to say next. "There was one mutant who had discovered what he was doing."

Magneto chimed in then, taking over for his friend to elaborate for the rest of us. "A mutant with the ability to transform herself into anyone."

"Mystique." Sunspot said, a look of betrayal and hurt on his face. She was the one who started this war, and if I'm correct in assuming they want to go back in time, shell be the one to end it. Charles nodded, looking between me and Sunspot before turning his eyes to his lap.

"I knew her as Raven. We met when we were children. We grew up together, she was like a sister to me." A smile danced across his face as he remembered her. He raised his head and looked at Magneto, making eye contact with his friend. "I tried to help her, but only succeeded in driving her away. She hunted Trask across the world, and at the Paris Peace Accords in 1973 after the Vietnam War, she found Trask and killed him. It was the first time she killed."

"It wasnt her last," Wolverine added, quite unhelpfully. Charles ignored the comment, continuing with his story without missing a beat.

"But, killing Trask did not have the outcome she expected. It only persuaded the Government of the need for his program. They captured her that day, tortured her, experimented on her. In her DNA, they discovered the secrets to her powers of transformation. It gave them all the information they needed to create weapons that could adapt to any mutant power. And in less than 50 years, the machines that have destroyed so many of our kind were created. But it all started that day in 1973, the day she first killed. The day she truly became Mystique." He almost sounded sad about what he was saying, although he had every right to be. Mystique was his sister, and nothing either of them did was going to change that for him.

"You want to go back there," I said, my suspicions confirmed. There was no way he would survive that trip. He nodded.

"If I can get to her, stop the assassination, keep her out of their hands, we can stop the sentinels from ever being born."

"And end this war before it even begins."

We all looked at each other as Kitty shook her head. "I can send back someone a couple of weeks, maybe even a month. But youre talking about going back decades. You have the most powerful mind in the world, Professor, but the mind can only stretch so far before it snaps. It would rip you apart. Im sorry. No one can survive that trip." She explained, sorrow heavy in her voice. Charles looked hurt. I couldnt blame him. He wanted to be the one to save his sister, not have someone else do it. But I understood what Kitty was saying. No one wanted the Professor to die trying to save them.

"What if someones mind has a way of snapping back? What if someone healed as fast as they were ripped apart?" Wolverine said, a look of realization crossing his face.

"Would that work?" I asked Kitty, trying to ignore the way that Bobby looked at me as I talked. She nodded. That was all Charles needed, sending everyone out of the room so they could get started.

Bobby waited for me in the hall, pulling me aside as I neared him. "Edna. There's something I want to tell you." He said, trying to look me in the eyes as I shook my head.

"There is nothing you can say to me that will fix what you did, Bobby." Yes, I was still a bit sour about the way our relationship ended, and I really didnt feel like talking to him. I tried to walk away, but he grabbed my waist in an attempt to prevent me from leaving.

"Just hear me out, ok? I wanted to say that Im glad that youre here because if I didnt see you, I wouldnt have been reminded of how much I still love you. I know that I broke your heart, but-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his, kissing him gently, my arms going around his neck as his tightened around my waist.

The kiss didnt last long though, as I remembered that he was probably still with Kitty and there was a war to fight. "We're not going to remember this are we?" I asked, and he shook his head, his eyes focused on my lips. "Well, maybe in this new future, we could be together again, yeah?"

He smiled as his lips found mine again, placing a small peck on my lips. "I would like that."

"Then lets stop wasting our time and go kick sentinel ass." I said, pulling away from him a little bit. Then, I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, we were outside the temple in a position where we wouldn't be easily spotted by the other mutants. Stepping back from him, I summoned my fire powers, the flames dancing over my skin.

"Good luck, Iceman." I said, looking into his eyes for the last time.

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