Young Carles Xavier and Mystique- Adopted Sister

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This was requested by ShadesofSilver14
Name: Sylvie
Mutation: Shape-shifting
Adopted sister of Raven and Charles
Age: 15
Sylvie's POV

I know I'm not supposed to be here, but I need food. And I need food now. ...At least that's what I thought... "Charles someone is in the kitchen!" A woman's voice says from the hallway. I look around at my surroundings and I see a picture of a woman holding a young child. I was about to transform into the woman in the photo when two people appear in the doorway.
   "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be here. I am just very hungry and this was the first house I saw. I can leave if you want. I didn't even take anything." I say as I soy make my way to the back door. As I do so, I subconsciously shift into the form I am more comfortable in, earning surprised stares from the two people in the doorway. "Charles, she's just like me!" The woman says to the man, who merely nods. "That she is." He said to the woman. Turning to me, he says; "Hello. My name is Charles Xavier, and this is my sister Raven. What is your name?" He says.  'For those of us who can't read minds.' I hear in my mind. "Um... my name is Sylvie." I tell them. 'How did you do that?' I think, hoping that the man- Charles- can hear me. 'I am telepathic. I can read and communicate with minds.' He replies with a slight smile. I look at the woman- Raven- and smiled. "You're a shapeshifter too?" I asked. She nodded.

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