Hank McCoy x Small!Reader- Manga

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Requested by christinagrimmie366
"You're reading the book wrong, Y/N. You're supposed to read it from left to right, not right to left." Hank tells me. I look up at him, smiling at his cluelessness of how Manga books work.
"It's a Manga, Hank. It's supposed to be read from right to left. The front cover is the back of a normal book. I've read these before. Were you never paying attention?" I ask, closing my book and mock scolding him.
"I was paying attention, it's just that you were always so close to the front of a normal book, I never really realized that it wasn't a normal book." He said, turning back to his work.
"So, you were paying attention, but you weren't really paying attention." I say, putting my book down and walking over to him, wanting to continue the conversation. He stopped what he was doing and looked at me.
"I was paying attention, just not to the details. There's a difference, Y/N." He said, clearly wanting the conversation to end just as much as I want it to continue.
"No there isn't. You are either paying attention or your not. There is no in between." I said, smirking at him. He sighed.
"I guess that means I was not paying attention. Happy?" He asked, clearly annoyed by the conversation.
"I'll be happy when you read this manga when I'm done with it!" I said happily, grabbing my book and walking upstairs.

I know this is short but I didn't quite know where to go with it. Next is an Alex imagine for -cynder that will hopefully be better than this.

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