Erik Lehnsherr- Murder

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A/N: This is for marvel_girl3 because she is a murderous bean. There will be another one soon with a similar plot, also for .
The app I was using to make outfits for characters was shut down, so I can't show a visual. She is wearing a navy blue halter dress and white stilettos. She has long red hair that she left down.
Myra's POV
"What is a beautiful girl like you doing here all alone?" I hear someone behind me ask.
"I wouldn't know, since I am not here alone." I say without turning around, my eyes scanning the crowd for my boyfriend, Erik.
"You must be alone, you aren't standing with anyone." He says, grabbing my waist from behind.
"She doesn't have to be standing with someone to be alone." Erik says, walking up to us and taking my hand. I sigh in relief and manage to get myself out of the man's grip and wrap my arms around Erik's neck, giving him a small kiss. His arms wrapped protectively around my waist as he held me to his chest. My arms dropped to my sides as I shifted to look at the man. He folded his arms over his chest and glared at Erik. "She's taken, asshole. Move on." Erik told the man, before turning us towards the door and starting to walk out of the building. We didn't make it very far when the man grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from Erik.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Charles holding Sadie back, (yes, I just put myself into the story. I am not sorry) and preventing her from getting involved. I reached down and grabbed my shoe, taking it off and holding it so that the heel was facing him.
"They're called dagger heels for a reason. Let. Me. Go." I said through clenched teeth, watching his eyes widen. He let my wrist go, put his hands up, and backed away. I put my shoe back on and walked back over to Erik, grabbing his hand and walking towards the door again.
"Whore." I heard from behind me. Erik released my hand and gripped my arm, trying to prevent me from going over to the man.
I'm not even sure Charles tried to hold Sadie back, because before I could get myself out of Erik's grip, I heard her say, "I'm sorry. What did you just call her?" I felt Erik's grip loosen and I turned around, facing the man.
"I'm pretty sure he just called me a whore, but I could be mistaken." I said, placing my hand on Erik's shoulder for balance as I took off my shoes. Sadie tapped his shoulder and he turned to look at her, but before she could do anything, I threw my shoe at him, the point of my heel hitting him in the back. I could see the blood running down his back, and I threw my other shoe at him, this one finding itself lodged in his head. Sadie and Charles looked at me in shock as the man fell over, narrowly missing Sadie as she backed away from the now dead man. I calmly walked over to him and took my shoes out of the holes they made in his body, and put them back on my feet. With the same calm attitude, I walked back over to a wide-eyed Erik, gently taking his hand and walking out of the party.
"What the hell was that for?" He whisper yelled at me when we got outside, heading towards the car to go home.
"He called me a whore." I shrugged, acting like it was completely normal to kill someone with stilettos when they call you a whore. He ran a hand through his hair.
"I'll keep that in mind when the police come to our door to arrest you for murder!" He said. I smiled at him.
"You can pretend all you want, but I know that you're proud of me." I said, causing him to wrap an arm around my shoulders and pull me into his side.
"I may be proud of the way you handled the situation, but I'm serious about the police." He said as we reached the car.

I am not sorry for anything.

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