Warren Worthington III- Ophelia (Requested)

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Sorry this took so long! The lovely wrote this for me and I owe her all my thanks, even tho she stayed up like all night writing it.
I hope you like it!
Ophelias POV:



*Ophelia wake up*

*Ophelia, I need you and the team in the training area*


I groan as begin to regain consciousness to the sound of both Jean and the professor in my head. I sit up and rub  my face trying to wake up when theres a knock at the door. What?! I snap at whoever was on the other side of the door. I hear a slow whistle as my door opens and I roll my eyes.

Wow. Is that the kind of tone you give to someone who was so gracious as to bring you breakfast? Peter says, while walking into my room with a plate. I roll my eyes and chuckle at him, taking the bagle off the plate.

I assume youre here to make sure I get up and ready? I ask him while eating. He raises an eyebrow at me a little confused. Jean and the professor woke me up I told him.

He nods, Well you know you women and your hair and whatnot he says and I scoff at him. You and I both know for a fact that if you didnt have your speed youd take just as long as Jean or I to fix your hair! I tell him smirking.

I would not! he tries to defend himself but just give him a look that says oh really and he shuts his mouth. Tell the professor Ill be down, just give me like ten minutes I tell him.

Yeah, you got it. Ill tell him 30 minutes he says smirking. Peter! I grab a pillow to throw at him, but he was gone in seconds. I huff and throw the pillow back on my bed. Shaking my head, I finish my bagel and begin getting ready.

    Once Im dressed and ready I begin to make my way to the training area. Its been a few months since any of us have been down here. After what happened with Apocalypse the professor gave us time off from everything; training, working out, even our school work. It was weird to see everyone so relaxed. After Jean and Magneto rebuilt the school we all had time to just hang out (and laugh at Peters struggle in a cast). It was like team bonding. I wonder why the professor would want the whole team to meet down here after all this time. I guess we do have to start training again at some point.

    I get to the elevator that will take me down to the sublevel and just before the doors close I hear someone yelling.

    Hold the doors! Someone yells and I stick my arm between the doors before they close and they open again and I see Ororo step in with me. That was close I laugh at her. Oh shut up! I didnt want to have to wait for it to come back up she laughs Plus I didnt want to be late she tells me. Did Peter come to get you too? I ask her, she laughs and nods. We sit in comfortable silence until the elevator dings and the doors open.

Warrens POV:

    I stand in the middle of a giant arena-looking room, a girl with red hair is on my right and a guy with red glasses on my left. I remember them from the battle, they both look around the same age as me. Professor Xavier is seated in front of me in his wheelchair getting ready to address the X-Men as to why I am here. I honestly didnt know why I came here all I know is that I chose the wrong side and now I have to find a way to make it right.

The first person to show up is a woman with short red hair and blue skin and I recognise her immediately as Mystique. Then out of nowhere pops in someone who I wasnt expecting. It was the teleporter I had to cage fight. The one who destroyed my wings. He looks around the room and makes eye contact with me and goes pale. I look down, not wanting to be reminded of what happened. He looks about ready to jump before the professor says Please stay, I need you here for this Kurt and they boy, Kurt looks between the professor and I and nods.

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