Peter Maximoff- Fluff

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A/N: This was written by my friend TheRoyalMagesticCat. We were sitting in Orchestra with a free day when we came up with it. Hope you enjoy!

 Y/N P.O.V

 We were cuddled up on the couch, eating popcorn, and watching various movies. It was a regular weekend, rainy day and what better way to spend it than with Peter. Plus, he can make popcorn...I can't, I burn it every time.

 "Are you enjoying the movie?" Peter asked me.

 "Yeah, it's ok." He cocked his eyebrow and peered down at me. The way I was laying, with my back against his chest, made me feel small and protected. We both sat up and he paused the movie.

 "Ok, Y/N what would be more interesting than this movie?" I paused for a moment, giving a little thought to what I was about to do. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and smash it into his shirt.

 "You little, what? That's what you would rather do than watch a movie? Make a mess?" I smiled sweetly and nodded. He sighed and said;

 "Ok, then take this!" I felt some popcorn hit my face. I giggled, I didn't want to lose this battle.

 "Oh, it is so on!" I tried to grab the bowl of popcorn from Peter, but I was too slow. We started pulling it back and forth until Peter pulled it from me.

 "Hey not fair!" I pouted.

 "You started this!" He cried, as he began to toss more and more popcorn on me. I ran away to the kitchen, hoping that he didn't use the last bag of popcorn. Or I didn't burn it. Thank goodness there was a half-full box at the bottom of the pantry. I grabbed a couple bags and put them in the microwave, but alas I was still defenseless against Peter. So, I grabbed a plastic straw and ripped open the unpopped popcorn packets. I put a kernel into the straw and turned around to see Peter darting out of the kitchen.


 I walked over to the pantry and looked at the bottom, the box of popcorn bags was gone.

 No, that butt.

 I marched over to the now beeping microwave and took the bags out. I grabbed another bowl, but no bowls were big enough to fit the amount of popcorn I had popped. So, I started to open the garage side door and as I walked through I felt myself get hit with a wave of popcorn. he put a bucket on top of the door.

 He's dead, he's so dead.

 I marched out of the garage with a bucket and dumped the popcorn in. I was going to get him back. But where was he? I realized that the house was silent and that Peter could be anywhere.

 "Boo," came a voice behind me. I jumped and all the popcorn from my bucket got tossed on Peter. He started chuckling,

 "Are you done?" I asked, pouting some more.

 "Aw Y/N," he paused cupping my face with hands for dramatic effect, " you don't have to be a sore loser." I pulled away from him and gave him a dirty look.

 "Who said I lost?" I asked.

 "We both know you lost." I pouted and looked at my feet.

 "But there was one good thing that came out of today," he said.

 "What?" I asked him. He motioned for me to come closer and when I did he pulled me into a hug.

 "You finally learned to make popcorn without burning it." 

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