Hank McCoy- Shy

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demigodishnessnthat this is for you. You did not request it, but you are a shy person whose personality is very similar to Hank's so I thought of you when I said wrote this. Anyway, enjoy!

So for this imagine, you haven't been down to Hank's lab yet and he takes you down there for the first time.

Your POV:
"This is yours?" I say in amazement, looking around at the lab me and Hank currently stood in. "Y-yea." Hank said, rubbing the back of his neck and blushing furiously. I giggled, making his face flush a deeper red. I walked over to some boxes and sat on them, crossing my legs and leaning forward.

"So... what are you working on?" I asked him after some time of sitting there, watching him work. "Um... it's a model of a new plane I designed. I probably won't be able to build it though. I don't have the right materials." He told me, pausing to look at me as he spoke. "Well, maybe I could help? I might know someone who could have the materials." I say. Hank looks at me like I'm crazy but he nods anyway. "Yea, sure. If you want you can call them now, I'm fine with that." Hank says to me, looking back to his work. I go out of the room to call my friend to see if he could drop off the materials. When I come back into the lab, Hank has taken a seat on the boxes where I was sitting. "H-he's gonna be here in a few minuets." I tell Hank shyly. I have a feeling he heard my entire conversation.


I was currently waiting by the gate for my friend Y/F/N to arrive with the materials that Hank needs. That is, until Hank had the brilliant idea to come outside and wait with me, wrapping his arm around my waist as we talked about nothing in particular. I flinched away from the sudden contact, not wanting him to know how I felt about him. "Sorry." He mumbled, taking his arm from around my back. "No it's ok I'm just not used to sudden contact like that." I said quickly, trying to explain myself.

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