TBC: Chapter Five

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Dr. Nicca James Alfarone

"Oi, dad!" I screeched as I stepped into the foyer of my childhood home. "Are you here?" I asked, not understanding why this man wasn't here when he said he was going to be here. I had called him earlier so we could talk about the symbol and he said he wasn't going anywhere until I got here so I was here and there was no sight of Nicolai Alfarone II. Did he lie to me?

"Dad?" I called out once again. I got no answer. What was this man doing that was so important, he couldn't take the time to come talk to me about something that was potentially life threatening? Sigh, this man had no worries. I knew he was home because his blue Aston Martin Vanquish S was parked out in the driveway. That was really dangerous for him because there weren't many expensive cars like that in this town and people were smart enough to know how to narrow it down to whoever owned the car.

Not to mention, his license plate consisted of simple letters and numbers so it wasn't hard for people to memorize them. "Damn old man nagging me..." I huffed before a felt a hand hit the back of my head. "Ow!" I groaned before wheeling around on my feet to face my dad. "What was that about this old man, Nicca?" He narrowed his eyes at me before bringing me into a choke hold. 

"I swear I don't like you!" I pouted, trying to escape his grasp. He was so strong, standing at 6'5 with large muscles engraved with several tattoos and an evil face with hair that fell in a pompadour. While Nicolai was a very nice looking man, his heart was evil and made of ice. "I love you son." He ruffled my hair and let me go, me baring my teeth at him like I was a cat or something.

"Put your teeth away. You're not an animal," He rolled his eyes before stopping in his steps, looking over his shoulder at me. "Unless you have something to tell me?" He asked, fake concern etched in his voice. "No!" I growled and stomped off after him, ignoring his loud bursts of laughter as we walked into the kitchen. "Where is mom, by the way?" I asked and he shrugged. "She's out with her mother in Arondale." He said, cracking open a cold beer. "Want one?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Nah, I'm good. Also, you need to be careful. You're nagging me about being secretive about who I am and such and you're out there leaving your car out in the open for people to see it and news flash dad, there aren't that many Aston Martins around here and people aren't stupid!" I said, waving my hands around. "They could actually trace that car back to you and boom! You're dead." I folded my arms and waited for him to speak.

"Shut up, son. It's my job to nag you." He rolled his eyes. "What were you here for?" He asked. "Do you know anything about a symbol, an upside down triangle with vines wrapped around them and two swords crossing at the top with a number beginning with 16 in it?" I questioned and he stared at me in deep thought. "Yeah, I've heard of something like that before. Was it blue and black with red on it?" He raised a brow at me and I nodded in reply.

"I have seen that before, just can't remember where." He took a swig of beer, furrowing his eyebrows. "I'll look into it later. It's bugging me out because it's probably something important." He stated and I looked at him blankly. No dad, it's very important that you find this because it'll lead me to the man who was with me that night but do so take your time. 

I hadn't told my father about the night Jose and I went to the club and the aftermath of it because he would constantly belittle me and call me stupid and naive and probably lock me up in my room forever to make sure I didn't do anything else that would put me in danger. He would call me irresponsible because I wasn't being aware of the people around me.


"Why do you need this? Where did you find this anyway?" He asked, his eyes turning into slits. "Eh, no reason, just wanted to know what it was and it was on someone's arm at the club Jose and I went to a couple of weeks ago." I explained. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the full truth. "Why are you just now coming to me with this?" Nicolai tilted his head and raised a brow, waiting for my answer and I clicked my teeth. "Because I didn't remember until Jose pointed it out for me yesterday." I said, shrugging. "Will you figure it out please?" He nodded in response before grinning.

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