TBC: Chapter Twenty Nine

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Dr. Nicca James Alfarone

"Are you sure about this, Nicca?" I turned to face my mate, the look of apprehension written all over his beautiful face. I turned to face him, hands on my hips. "If you ask me that again, we're not having sex for two months." I muttered, the faint blush coating my cheeks and he narrowed his eyes, a growl in his tone. "Don't threaten me with that, little mate." Mikhail hissed and I rolled my eyes. "Then stop asking me. We're already here, so what's the point in whining?" I shrugged, looking around the airport. "Where's Aleksandr?" I asked. "He said he would bring the rest of the pack here. He needs to hurry up. It's almost time for us to board our plane." I huffed in irritation, remembering that I told that man to be here at the airport at 9 sharp because the flight back to North Carolina was long as fuck and I was treading on light waters with the workers here because I needed the whole airplane for the entire pack.

"Ah, mate, успокойся." Mikhail wrapped his arms around me in aid to help calm me down, his soft tone making me lean into his warmth. "There's Aleksandr." He pointed and I followed the direction. "Oh shit." I muttered, watching how Aleksandr looked like a kindergarten teacher ushering his class to follow him. "He's having trouble, isn't he?" I sighed and I walked towards him. Aleksandr looked petrified at the large crowd of humans crowding around him. "Aye!" I said sharply and all heads snapped to me and they formed a line. "We need to be on the plane in less than 10 minutes. Do be very fast and mindful of the time." I handed everyone a form. "We are in gate 3B. I'll meet you all over there. Be safe, okay?" They nodded and shouted, 'Yes, Luna!' in unison.

I'll never be able to get used to this. 

Before I met Mikhail, I was just some lonely guy waiting to find love. I had no idea who I was but that all changed when I met Mikhail. Sometimes, I think meeting Raymond was the best thing that could have ever happened to me because it led me to meeting Mikhail Baranov, the man who owns my heart. I let the pack go do their jobs while I turned to Mikhail, who seemed to be looking at his phone, deep in thought. Every dimple on his face, the glimmer of his crooked teeth, the adorable mole on his cheek, his bright hazel eyes, the way his voice sounded when he spoke in Russian.

"You're always on my mind..." I whispered out to no one in particular but judging by the soft smile that made its way onto his lips, I reckon he heard it. "также." Mikhail muttered to himself but since I was his mate, I heard every word he said and my heart swelled. He was always thinking of me too. 

"Hi!" I turned my head to see a tall man with brown hair and brown eyes peering down at me, a small grin on his lips. I didn't seem to feel put off by him but I wasn't put on either. "Hi?" I raised a brow. "Do I know you?" I was a little wary of meeting new people, people that weren't mutual friends. "No! I just saw you standing here and so I wanted to make new friends." He shrugged. "I'm Isak Pratt." He held out a hand and I saw nothing but genuine friendship in his eyes. I took his hand warily. "I'm Nicca." I gave him that little information and he chuckled. "What an attractive name for an attractive person." He smiled gently, letting my hand go.

My eyes widened in amusement as I nodded. "Ah, thanks." I wasn't enamored by it because I knew I had someone waiting for me and judging by the sound he was making, this was no walk in the park. "Ah, thanks." I went to go walk away but then his hand latched around my wrist in a gentle manner. "I'm sorry-" He went to apologize but an intimidating growl shook the air. "Сними свои проклятые руки от моих!" I heard Mikhail long before I saw him. When I heard his deep voice roaring in that tinge of Russian, I turned to see him storming over to me, his eyes a pitch black as his jaw clenched, his fists in a hold as he took large strides, the look he gave promising death (Get your hands off what is mine). 

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